2023 by the numbers
Free riders cases closed in 2023
Producer responsibility programs
Registered producers submitted 2023 reports by the end of the year
Interactions with RPRA’s front line staff and call centre
Hazardous Waste Program registrants
Tonnes ITT/AV and tires recovered in 2022
2023 in review
Launching the HWP Registry and HazTrack mobile app
RPRA staff collaborated with ministry staff, industry stakeholders and external technology vendors to build, test, and launch the HWP Registry and the HazTrack mobile app on January 1, 2023. Early users ’uptake was even greater than anticipated and by the end of 2023, the registry, mobile app and external APIs had processed more than 250,000 manifests.
Focusing on service, effectiveness and efficiency
2023 was the first year since its inception that RPRA did not build a new registry portal. This allowed us to focus on refining and improving registrant services and strengthening processes and systems to maximize effectiveness and efficiency.
We created a streamlined and strategic decision-making process for prioritizing and developing registry enhancements. We also made progress towards developing a customer service strategy, and developed a data governance strategy to guide registry data organization, analysis, archiving and publishing for internal and public use.
Transitioning the first group of communities to the new Blue Box Producer Responsibility Program
In 2023, the first group of municipalities and First Nations (including the City of Toronto, City of Ottawa, and the City of London) transitioned to the new extended producer responsibility regulatory framework for Blue Box materials. RPRA worked with producers, industry associations, PROs and the Ministry to ensure a smooth transition with no curbside Blue Box service disruptions. RPRA also conducted a campaign helping producers understand their obligations to implement a collection system in compliance with the Blue Box Regulation.
Making information about resource recovery and compliance more accessible
RPRA has increased the amount and depth of information available to the public on RPRA’s website about resource recovery in Ontario and RPRA’s compliance activities in 2023. RPRA published a new Opens in new window: compliance activities webpage, a new Opens in new window: Electronics Supply and Recovery webpage, and a Opens in new window: new compliance orders and administrative penalties. The public reports section of RPRA’s website also includes the Opens in new window: results of RPRA’s annual registrant survey.
Datacall trends report
In 2023, RPRA summarized and analyzed 19 years of information about the contents of Ontario’s Blue Boxes in the Opens in new window: Datacall trends report. The report reviews residential waste management data reported into the Opens in new window: Datacall from 2002 to 2021 as part of the Opens in new window: legacy Blue Box program. It also analyzes some of the factors that have affected residential diversion rates over the years, such as new technology, economic conditions, stricter recycling market policies and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Launching the new ‘Where to Recycle’ collection site map
In 2023, RPRA launched a new “Where to Recycle” Opens in new window: collection site map. The map displays recycling location information for materials in all producer responsibility programs except Blue Box, which operates at the curbside. The compliance team can use the map to better monitor producer compliance with regulatory requirements for collections systems, and the public can use the map to find locations to drop off regulated materials.
2023 key financials
Million in revenue
Million operating reserve
Million in net assets
Million in total expenses
Million in producer responsibility and registry program expenses
Million in WDTA transition oversight expenses
Planning for the future
After launching the HWP Registry at the beginning of 2023, RPRA focused on improving the effectiveness and efficiency of our eight registry programs. We also initiated a strategic planning exercise to articulate and consolidate a set of strategic goals and objectives that reflect RPRA’s priorities over the medium and long term. Providing strategic direction for the organization is one of the Board’s primary responsibilities and the Board was closely engaged throughout the process. We expect to finalize and publicly release the plan later this fall.
Robert Poirier, Chair
Reporting on resource recovery and our compliance activities
In 2023, we took steps to strengthen internal processes and support service delivery to businesses and consumers. We also focused on expanding the information and data we report publicly through our website, including a new Where to Recycle Map, new webpages for reporting on resource recovery and compliance activities, including a compliance orders and administrative penalties page, and a retrospective report analyzing 19 years of data from Ontario’s curbside Blue Box program.
Frank Denton, CEO
Enabling compliance through outreach and guidance
Since RPRA’s beginnings, the compliance team successfully identified more than 1,200 possible free riders across all producer responsibility programs. In 2023, compliance staff implemented compliance plans to address late supply reporting and incomplete supply verification reports, and Blue Box producers’ implementation of a collection and management system. Collection systems for all producer responsibility programs were also subject to inspections, which resulted in RPRA launching the development of compliance guidance for sharing collection sites and buying and selling performance credits.