2023 by the numbers


Free riders cases closed in 2023


Producer responsibility programs


Registered producers submitted 2023 reports by the end of the year


Interactions with RPRA’s front line staff and call centre


Hazardous Waste Program registrants


Tonnes ITT/AV and tires recovered in 2022

2023 in review

2023 key financials


Million in revenue


Million operating reserve


Million in net assets


Million in total expenses


Million in producer responsibility and registry program expenses


Million in WDTA transition oversight expenses

Planning for the future

After launching the HWP Registry at the beginning of 2023, RPRA focused on improving the effectiveness and efficiency of our eight registry programs. We also initiated a strategic planning exercise to articulate and consolidate a set of strategic goals and objectives that reflect RPRA’s priorities over the medium and long term. Providing strategic direction for the organization is one of the Board’s primary responsibilities and the Board was closely engaged throughout the process. We expect to finalize and publicly release the plan later this fall.   

Robert Poirier, Chair

Reporting on resource recovery and our compliance activities 

In 2023, we took steps to strengthen internal processes and support service delivery to businesses and consumers. We also focused on expanding the information and data we report publicly through our website, including a new Where to Recycle Map, new webpages for reporting on resource recovery and compliance activities, including a compliance orders and administrative penalties page, and a retrospective report analyzing 19 years of data from Ontario’s curbside Blue Box program.

Frank Denton, CEO

Enabling compliance through outreach and guidance  

Since RPRA’s beginnings, the compliance team successfully identified more than 1,200 possible free riders across all producer responsibility programs. In 2023, compliance staff implemented compliance plans to address late supply reporting and incomplete supply verification reports, and Blue Box producers’ implementation of a collection and management system. Collection systems for all producer responsibility programs were also subject to inspections, which resulted in RPRA launching the development of compliance guidance for sharing collection sites and buying and selling performance credits. 

Mary Cummins, Registrar


Since 2016

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