The Authority’s Consultation on Blue Box Program Change

The Authority has received a proposed change to the Blue Box steward fee setting methodology (the methodology) as outlined in Schedule A of the current Blue Box Program Agreement between the Authority and Stewardship Ontario (previously the Program Agreement between the former Waste Diversion Ontario and Stewardship Ontario).

As such the Authority is now consulting with stakeholders on this change in accordance with the Waste Diversion Transition Act. Following this consultation, and if approved by the Authority’s Board, this change will be forwarded to the Minister for consideration.

For background material on the proposed change, including Stewardship Ontario’s consultation report, please visit Stewardship Ontario’s site.

The Authority’s consultations will focus on outreach to those who could be affected by the proposed change.

Stakeholders are encouraged to participate in the consultation which will close on February 28, by:

  • Contacting RPRA’s Mary Cummins (, or 416-226-5113, ext. 232) to request a meeting by phone or in person;
  • Writing a letter or email to the Authority (please send to

We look forward to receiving and reviewing your feedback.