
Information technology, telecommunications, audio-visual (ITT/AV)

The registry is open for 2025 reporting. Login to complete your report(s) by April 30, 2025.

Recent amendments to the Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) Regulation may impact this year’s reporting. Learn more.

The Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) Regulation under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 designates information technology, telecommunications, audio-visual (ITT/AV) equipment as the third material after tires and batteries under Ontario’s extended producer responsibility regulatory framework.

Extended producer responsibility makes producers accountable for their products and packaging once consumers are finished with them; sets mandatory and enforceable requirements for resource recovery; and gives producers choices for resource recovery services in a competitive market.

As of January 1, 2021, ITT/AV producers are individually accountable and financially responsible for collecting and reusing, refurbishing or recycling their products when consumers discard them.

Information technology, telecommunications, audio-visual equipment (ITT/AV)

ITT/AV is equipment that has a primary purpose of collecting, storing, processing, presenting or communicating information, including sounds and images, recording or reproducing sounds and images. ITT/AV includes equipment supplied into any sector (e.g., residential, business, hospital, institutional, commercial, industrial, etc.) and includes any batteries supplied with the ITT/AV (i.e., in packaging or in product).

  • Computers
  • Printers (desktop and floor-standing)
  • Printer cartridges
  • Video gaming devices
  • Telephones, including cellular phones
  • Display devices
  • Radios and stereos, including after-market vehicle stereos
  • Headphones
  • Speakers
  • Cameras, including security cameras
  • Video recorders
  • Drones with audio or visual recording equipment
  • Peripherals and cables used to support the function of ITT/AV equipment, including charging equipment
  • Handheld point-of-sale terminals or devices
  • Musical instruments
  • Audio recording equipment
  • ITT/AV equipment weighing more than 250 kg
  • Small and large appliances
  • Power tools
  • Motor vehicles
  • Children’s toys
  • Textiles, clothing, furniture or any other upholstered or stuffed articles containing EEE
  • Parts and components of ITT/AV sold separately from the related product

How does the EEE Regulation affect you?

Click the headings below to learn more about your requirements.

A person is considered a producer under the EEE Regulation if they supply ITT/AV into Ontario and one of the following applies:

  • are the brand holder of EEE and have residency in Canada
  • have residency in Ontario and import EEE from outside of Ontario
  • have residency in Ontario and markets directly to consumers in Ontario (e.g. online sales)
  • does not have residency in Ontario and markets directly to consumers in Ontario (e.g. online sales)

Learn more about producers

  • A hauler is a person that arranges the transport of ITT/AV used in Ontario that are destined for processing, reuse, refurbishing or disposal.
  • A refurbisher is a person that prepares or refurbishes used ITT/AV for reuse for the purposes of resource recovery.
  • A processor is a person that processes ITT/AV used in Ontario for the purposes of resource recovery.

Learn more about service providers

If you are a First Nation, municipality, retailer or organization that collects ITT/AV whether through a depot, collection events or on-site collection containers, you are not required to register or report under the EEE Regulation as a collector. However, if you are also an ITT/AV producer or a hauler, additional responsibilities may apply.

Learn more about collection site operators

A PRO is a business established to contract with producers to provide collection, management and administrative services to help producers meet their regulatory obligations under the EEE Regulation, including:

  • Arranging the establishment or operation of collection and management systems (hauling, recycling, reuse or refurbishment services).
  • Establishing or operating a collection or management system.
  • Preparing and submitting reports and payment.

Learn more about PROs

Wind up of the Waste Electrical and Electronics Equipment (WEEE) Program

The Waste Electrical and Electronics Equipment Program was operated by Ontario Electronic Stewardship, which was responsible for electronics recycling in Ontario on behalf of the electronics industry. The program ended on December 31, 2020, and on January 1, 2021, electronics moved to the new individual producer responsibility regulatory framework.

Learn more