Questions about how to use RPRA’s Excess Soil Registry?
We have answers! Check out our learning materials and resources.
Project leaders, Owners, Operators and Qualified Persons
Access publicly-available information from filed notices
Information submitted in notice filings will be made publicly available in a searchable database
Excess soil is soil dug up mainly during construction and excavation activities that must be removed from the development site because it can’t or won’t be reused. From January 1, 2023, construction and development Project Leaders and Operators/Owners of soil Reuse Sites, and Residential Development Soil Depot sites must file notices about how they reuse and dispose of excess soil in compliance with Ontario’s Excess Soil Regulation.
Rules related to the reuse of Excess Soil in Ontario are detailed in the On-site and Excess Soil Management Regulation, O. Reg. 406/19. The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks is responsible for policy and programs related to Excess Soil and, for conducting compliance and enforcement activities under the Excess Soil Regulation. If you have questions related to the regulation, please email the ministry at
For site-specific questions related to Excess Soil movement, please contact the ministry’s local district office. To find an office, please use the District Locator.
Find out more about:
What is the Excess Soil Registry?
To record excess soil generation and movement, the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks directed the Authority to establish and maintain the Excess Soil Registry which enables:
- regulated persons to comply with registration and notice filing requirements outlined in the regulation
- the ministry to access notice filings and associated data; and
- the public to access the information contained in notice filings
The Authority worked in close coordination with ministry staff and industry stakeholders to ensure that the Registry meets the requirements of the Excess Soil Regulation, the Minister’s direction and the business requirements of Registry users. If you have a question related to the Registry, please email us at
Ministry access to notice filings and associated data
Designated Ministry staff have access to the Excess Soil Notice Internal Database where they can search for, view, and generate reports of in-depth notice filing and registry data.