Ontario Government Releases Tires Regulation

The Government of Ontario advanced the province’s shift to a circular economy by passing a new regulation designating tires under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016.

The regulation requires tire producers to be responsible for collecting and managing tires supplied to customers in Ontario once the current Used Tires Program operated by Ontario Tire Stewardship is wound up on December 31, 2018. Management options for collected tires include reusing, retreading and recycling the tires.

The regulation will come into full effect on January 1, 2019 when the new requirements for collection and management begin.

The Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (the Authority) will implement the regulation by:

  • Registering obligated tire producers and service providers in the tire sector.
  • Compiling data from obligated tire producers and service providers.
  • Ensuring producers meet accessibility, collection and recycling targets set in the regulation.

For more information, please visit our Tires page.