Electronics recycling fee reduced to $0

Effective February 1, 2019, Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES), which operates Ontario’s electronics recycling program, has reduced the fee it charges to producers and importers of electronics on all electronic products to $0. The fee was typically passed on to consumers and appeared itemized on invoices and receipts as an Environmental Handling Fee (EHF) to support Ontario’s electronics recycling program. This should result in reductions ranging from $28 for large televisions to $0.07 for cellphones.

For more information about the reduction of the EHF to $0, including product categories and fee amounts, visit ontarioelectronicstewardship.ca. If you have further questions or concerns, including complaints about retailers incorrectly charging the EHF after February 1, 2019, contact OES at customerservice@ontariooes.ca or 1 (888) 646-1820 x 11.

The EHF is being changed to $0 in advance of the wind up of the current electronics recycling program operated by OES on June 30, 2020 and the introduction of a new recycling program under Ontario’s individual producer responsibility framework starting July 1, 2020. The new recycling program will hold producers and importers directly responsible and accountable for ensuring their products and packaging are reused, recycled and reintegrated back into production. Learn more about Ontario’s new circular economy recycling framework in the About Us section of our website and learn more about the changes coming to Ontario’s electronics recycling program in the Programs section of our website.