Important update on OES wind up plan consultation
RPRA has been directed by the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to conduct additional consultation on Ontario Electronic Stewardship’s (OES) Wind-Up Plan. The additional consultation will seek feedback on options to ensure that OES’s surplus funds be used for the benefit of Ontario consumers; for example, through a consumer rebate program. Read the Minister’s Direction.
As a result of this direction, we will be adding this topic to our upcoming consultation in Toronto on Tuesday, April 9 and our webinar on Wednesday, April 10.
This information was not available at the time of our March 21 webinar or in-person sessions in London, Ottawa and North Bay. If you participated in one of these sessions, you may want to listen in on the surplus funds portion of our webinar on April 10 (which will begin approximately 20 minutes into the presentation). Register for the webinar.
All consultation materials, including the presentation and webinar recording, will be available on our website for those unable to attend.
We have extended the deadline to provide feedback on the Wind-Up Plan to Thursday, April 25 to accommodate this new direction. You can provide feedback through the online survey or via email to