Minister issues new direction letter clarifying the management of MHSW Program residual funds

The Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks has issued a new direction letter to RPRA and Stewardship Ontario clarifying how Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste Program (MHSW) residual funds should be managed once the program winds up on June 30, 2021.

The Minister’s direction clarifies that all residual funds remaining once the program ceases operating and all financial obligations have been accounted for should be returned to stewards.

The Authority will take the necessary steps to ensure that Stewardship Ontario’s MHSW Wind-Up Plan submitted for approval on September 30, 2019 can be implemented according to the proposed timelines in the Plan.

Stewardship Ontario will be required to make revisions to the Plan to address the Minister’s clarifying directions on residual funds. It is the Minister’s expectation that the revisions to the Plan be approved by the Authority no later than February 29, 2020.