Authority approves Stewardship Ontario’s MHSW Wind-Up Plan

The Authority has approved the Wind-up Plan for the Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste (MHSW) program submitted by Stewardship Ontario (SO).

The Wind-Up Plan details how the MHSW Program will be wound up on June 30, 2021 except for the single-use batteries program, which will be wound up on June 30, 2020. The Wind-Up Plan includes an implementation plan, timelines, finances and budgeting, promotion and education, data management, and other considerations.

Key conditions the Authority put on its approval of the plan include:

– SO shall amend the Steward Report Schedules to align the Final Adjustment Request due dates with producer data submission requirements to the Registry, and shall communicate the revised Plan to stewards:

  • The due date for Final Adjustment Requests for single-use batteries shall be revised to February 14, 2020 for data related to 2019 and earlier.
  • The due date for Final Adjustment Requests for MHSW Materials (except single-use batteries) shall be revised to February 12, 2021 for data related to 2020 and earlier.

– SO shall revise any sections of the Plan that refer to or deal with the management of residual funds to ensure consistency with the Minister’s direction received on December 20, 2019.

The Authority is hosting a consultation webinar on the draft revisions on Wednesday January 22, 2020 at 2 p.m. Register for the webinar now. The Authority is expected to approve the proposed draft revisions no later than February 29, 2020.

In April 2018, the then Minister of the Environment and Climate Change directed SO to wind up the MHSW Program. SO submitted their Wind-Up Plan to the Authority in September 2019. Between October and November 2019, the Authority consulted on the plan with municipalities, stewards and other affected stakeholders. Visit the Authority’s consultation webpage to learn more about the consultation process and to read the consultation report summarizing the stakeholder feedback received.

During the transition period, SO will continue to operate the MHSW Program without disruption. For details on the implementation of the Wind-Up Plan, visit SO’s website or email

For more details see:

MHSW Wind-up Plan
RPRA approval letter with conditions
MHSW program page