Minister issues new direction letter to the Authority

On October 15, 2021, the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks directed the Authority to take the following actions:

Expand the Authority’s Public Complaints Policy to include a process for responding to requests for clarification made by members of the public. The updated Public Complaints Policy is expected to be finalized and posted to the Authority’s website within 120 days of receiving the Minister’s direction letter. Read the current Public Complaints Policy.

Establish a Service Provider Advisory Council which can provide advice to the Authority on matters related to carrying out its objects. Members will represent a cross-section of the waste management service provider community across each regulation within the Authority’s mandate. The Authority will determine membership in consultation with industry and the ministry. The Terms of Reference for the Council are expected to be posted within 90 days of the Minister’s direction, with initial members appointed by the end of January 2022. Learn more about the Authority’s Advisory Councils.

Publish Board Meeting Minutes Promptly, within one week of them being adopted by the Board at the subsequent Board meeting. All approved meeting minutes are posted to the Authority’s website:

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