Testing, tracking and registration of Excess Soil is now required under Excess Soil Regulation

On January 1, 2022, the testing, tracking and filing obligations of the Excess Soil Regulation came into effect, requiring construction and development Project Leaders and Operators/Owners of soil Reuse Sites, and Residential Development Soil Depot sites to file notices about how they reuse and dispose of Excess Soil in Ontario.

Notices must be filed through the Excess Soil Registry. RPRA was directed by the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to establish and maintain the Registry, and to support Registry users.

About the Excess Soil Regulation

Rules related to the reuse of Excess Soil in Ontario are detailed in the Excess Soil Regulation. The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks is responsible for policy and programs related to Excess Soil and, for conducting compliance and enforcement activities under the Excess Soil Regulation. Questions related to the regulation should be sent to the ministry at MECP.LandPolicy@ontario.ca.

About the Excess Soil Registry

RPRA worked in close coordination with ministry staff and industry stakeholders to build the three portals that can be used to access the Excess Soil Registry:

  • The Registry Portal enables regulated persons to comply with registration and notice filing requirements outlined in the regulation. As part of the notice filing process, Registry users may be required to pay a fee upon completion of a notice filing to cover RPRA’s costs for building, maintaining, and operating the Registry and supporting Registry users. The 2022 Excess Soil Registry Fee Schedule can be viewed here.
  • The Public Portal enables transparency by allowing the public to access publicly available information contained in notice filings.
  • The Internal Database is available to designated ministry staff and facilitates compliance with the regulation by enabling the ministry to access notice filings and associated data.

RPRA has provided a suite of training materials to help Registry users with accessing and navigating the Registry portals.

RPRA’s Registry Support Team is also available to answer questions about accessing and using the Registry. The team can be reached at: registry@rpra.ca or toll free at 1-833-600-0530 from 9AM – 5PM, Monday to Friday.

Learn more about the Excess Soil Registry.