RPRA determining producer for refillable and non-refillable pressurized containers

The Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority’s Compliance and Registry Team is currently reviewing information to determine the obligated producer of refillable and non-refillable pressurized containers manufactured in the U.S. and imported into Ontario under O. Reg. 449/221, the Hazardous and Special Products (HSP) Regulation, issued under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016.

The HSP Regulation outlines a hierarchy from brand holder to retailer to determine the obligated producer of a designated product. RPRA is currently undertaking a review to confirm whether a major brand owner of refillable and non-refillable pressurized containers is resident in Canada. If they are determined not to be resident in Canada, the importers of the containers will be determined to be the obligated producers under the HSP Regulation.

The ongoing review of this issue requires time to complete. Once the Compliance and Registry Team confirms the obligated producer, the Authority will communicate with all impacted parties.

Consistent with RPRA’s risk-based compliance framework, the Authority will work with the obligated party or parties, once this has been determined, to support their compliance with the requirements under the HSP Regulation.