Batteries and ITT/AV Supply Data Verification Procedure now posted

From September 9, 2021, to October 9, 2021, the Authority consulted with batteries and ITT/AV producers, PROs, and their Verifiers on the principles and methodologies that was used in the procedure. From January 10, 2022, to February 18, 2022, the Authority consulted on the draft procedure to gather additional feedback from stakeholders.

Producers will reference the procedure when submitting their first Supply Data Verification Report in 2022.

Under the Batteries and EEE regulations, the 2022 supply reporting deadline is April 30. As the regulator responsible for enforcing these regulations, RPRA is giving producers until July 4 to submit their 2022 Supply Data Report. Supply reporting is not yet open. Producers will receive an email with more information prior to reporting opening.

Visit the consultation page to learn more about the consultation process and to read the consultation report summarizing the stakeholder feedback received and how RPRA incorporated the feedback in the procedure.

For more information on reporting, visit RPRA’s batteries and electronics producer pages.