Lighting Supply Data Verification Procedure now posted

RPRA has finalized and posted its lighting supply data verification procedure. The final lighting supply data verification procedure was added to the existing EEE Verification and Audit Procedure as Appendix C.  

Review the procedure.

Consultation outcomes

From December 7, 2023, to January 8, 2024, RPRA consulted on the draft procedure. Based on feedback received and information gathered through the consultation period, RPRA made the following decisions: 

  • RPRA has decided to create separate supply data verification procedures for lighting in line with the combined ITT/AV and batteries verification procedures. The separate procedures were created to clearly state the requirements of CSRS4400 auditing standards. RPRA may combine the supply verification procedures for all materials in future after consultation with stakeholders. 
  • In 2024, all lighting producers are required to submit a one-time supply data verification report in order for RPRA to determine the producer cut-off thresholds for 2025 and beyond.
  • Create two producer categories (i.e. large and small producers) based on the supply data submitted to RPRA by lighting producers in 2024 to be cost-effective and efficient. 
  • Require the qualified verifier to explicitly state the procedures performed and related findings under each step within the report. 
  • Starting in 2025, only large producers will be required to submit a verification report and small producers will be subject to inspections. 

Visit our consultation page to learn more about the consultation process and to read the consultation report summarizing the stakeholder feedback received.

Supply reporting in 2024

In 2024, all lighting producers must submit a one-time supply data verification report to RPRA when they submit their annual supply report. RPRA’s Registrar has decided to delay supply reporting to allow more time for lighting producers to prepare for supply data verification reporting. The deadline for lighting producers to submit their supply report and supply data verification report is July 31, 2024. The April 30, 2024, deadline for lighting performance reporting remains unchanged. 

Supply and performance reporting is not yet open. RPRA will provide more information to producers ahead of the registry opening for reporting. Visit RPRA’s Lighting producer webpage to learn more about reporting requirements.