RPRA will not require a performance audit report in 2024 for batteries, ITT/AV and lighting

RPRA will not require producers and PROs of batteries, information technology, telecommunications and audio-visual (ITT/AV) equipment, or lighting to submit a performance audit report in 2024.

Producers and PROs are still required to submit their annual performance report in 2024. Producers and PROs will be notified when the registry opens for reporting.

Note for the hazardous and special products (HSP) program: RPRA will communicate requirements for HSP performance audits in advance of the registry opening for annual reporting this summer.

Why did RPRA decide to not require a performance audit report in 2024?

The decision to not require a performance audit report in 2024 for batteries, ITT/AV, and lighting is a result of feedback received during our consultation on the development of Resource Recovery Performance Audit Procedures.

Consultation participants provided valuable feedback that RPRA staff and BDO require additional time to incorporate into the draft procedures. Participants also advised that they require more time than initially considered to adapt their operational processes to comply with the requirements of the proposed procedures.

RPRA is currently revising the draft procedures to incorporate the feedback received and will post second drafts in 2024 for further consultation. Consultation participants will be notified once the updated drafts are posted.

When will producers or PROs on their behalf be required to submit their first performance audit report to RPRA?

Battery, ITT/AV, and lighting producers and PROs will be required to submit their first performance audit report in 2025, in accordance with the finalized procedures.

As mentioned above, RPRA will communicate directly with HSP producers and PROs about their performance audit requirements ahead of annual reporting this year.


Visit our consultation webpage for more information or email us at consultations@rpra.ca.