$17.5 million of OES residual funds transferred to RPRA to offset future program fees for electronics producers

The Ontario Electronic Stewardship’s (OES) court-appointed liquidator, Deloitte Restructuring Inc., has transferred $17.5 million in residual funds to RPRA as part of the final steps in liquidating OES.

The residual funds will be held by RPRA in a segregated account and used to reduce program fees for electronics producers to $0 starting in 2026 until the funds are depleted.

The transfer of OES residual funds to RPRA to reduce electronics program expenses is required under the approved OES Wind Up Plan. RPRA consulted on the transfer of OES residual funds in 2022.

Deloitte Restructuring will complete the final steps outlined in the wind-up plan to liquidate OES over the next several months.

Find more information about Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES) and the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Program Wind Up: