RPRA is delaying some audit and verification requirements for Batteries, Electronics and Lighting

Will performance audit reports be required this year?

RPRA is delaying the requirement for producers and PROs of batteries, ITT/AV, or lighting to submit a performance audit report.

The decision to not require a performance audit report by April 30, 2025, for batteries, ITT/AV, and lighting is a result of the ongoing consultation on the development of Resource Recovery Performance Audit Procedures.

Battery, ITT/AV, and lighting producers and PROs will be required to submit their first performance audit report at a later time, in accordance with the finalized procedures. RPRA will communicate directly with producers and PROs about their performance audit requirements later this year.

Producers and PROs are still required to submit their annual performance report by April 30, 2025. Producers and PROs will be notified when the registry opens for reporting.

Will lighting producers be required to submit supply verification reports this year?

RPRA is delaying the requirement for lighting producers to submit a supply verification report. This decision was made because additional time is required to define the cut-off thresholds that determine if producers are considered large or small.

Lighting producers will be required to submit a supply verification report at a later time, in accordance with the updated procedure. RPRA will communicate directly with producers about their supply verification report requirements later this year.

Lighting producers are still required to submit their annual supply report by April 30, 2025. Producers will be notified when the registry opens for reporting.