Statement from the Registrar: Registrants must submit reports on time or face compliance and enforcement action
Producer responsibility program registrants who fail to submit reports on time or submit false or misleading reports, including supply, performance, verification and audit reports, may be subject to compliance orders and administrative penalty orders.
Sections 86 (Compliance Orders) and 89 (Administrative Penalties) of the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 authorizes RPRA to issue compliance orders and administrative penalty orders for failure to submit reports on time and for submitting false or misleading reports, as well as for other contraventions of the Act and its associated regulations.
RPRA has received an excessive number of late and inaccurate report submissions over the past several reporting cycles. Addressing and correcting late and inaccurate reports creates a significant drain on RPRA resources and distracts from our focus on higher priority compliance matters such as identifying free riders and enforcing performance requirements. Additionally, misreported information has negative impacts on the overall resource recovery system.
Producers and producer responsibility organizations (PROs) reporting on their behalf are required to submit reports, including audits and verification if required, that are complete and accurate by the posted deadline. Failure to do so could lead to enforcement action against individual producers, not their PROs, as the regulatory requirements for reporting places the onus for compliance on producers.
All Compliance Orders and Administrative Penalty Orders are publicly posted on RPRA’s website.