Groups of people sitting in park

Public Reports

RPRA reports on resource recovery performance in Ontario and our compliance activities for producer responsibility programs under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 (RRCEA). We also publish the results of our annual registrant survey and an annual report and business plan.

Click on the links below to view our reports:

  • Resource recovery reports
    Data on the amount of materials supplied into the Ontario market and the amount of materials collected and reused, refurbished or processed.
  • Compliance activities
    Information about RPRA’s compliance and registry support activities, including annual metrics.
  • Compliance orders and administrative penalties
    All Compliance Orders and Administrative Penalties issued by RPRA’s Registrar, Deputy Registrar or Inspectors.
  • Registrant survey
    Results from RPRA’s annual survey of registrants’ perceptions of our performance, which help us learn what is working well and what can be improved.
  • Formal requests for clarifications
    RPRA’s responses to stakeholders’ submitted requests for clarification on matters unrelated to compliance orders or other compliance or enforcement decisions.
  • Business plan
    Includes RPRA’s budget and planned activities for 2025 and financial forecast for 2025 and 2026. The plan is posted annually in October. View previous years’ plans.
  • Annual report
    Includes audited financial statements and details of RPRA’s activities in 2023. The report is posted annually in June. View previous years’ reports.