Landfill Ban for Excess Soil Delayed to 2027
The Government of Ontario has finalized amendments to the Excess Soil Regulation (O. Reg. 406/19) that will delay the landfill ban for excess soil meeting residential, parkland, and institutional standards from January 1, 2025, to January 1, 2027.
The amendments also clarify exemptions to the landfilling restriction to specify when cleaner excess soil may still be accepted at landfills and updates the information a qualified person must include in a declaration to the landfill owner or operator explaining why the excess soil should be landfilled.
These amendments to the Excess Soil Regulation are intended to give industry additional time to understand and prepare for the new requirements while addressing concerns that limited awareness could lead to project delays or illegal soil dumping.
These amendments have no impact on the operation of the Excess Soil Registry operated by the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority or the notice filing submission process.
For details on the finalized changes visit the Environmental Registry (ERO 019-9196).
If you have questions related to the regulation, please email the ministry at or visit the ministry’s Handling Excess Soil website.