General Fee Setting Policy and Registry Fees

The Authority’s General Fee Setting Policy explains the principles and rules that it applies in setting fees or other charges to recover its costs for activities related to the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016. The Authority held three rounds of consultations on the development of the policy, its methodology for structuring fees and specific fee amounts for tires, the first material to be designated under the Act.

The first round of consultations, held between August and October 2017, focused on the general approach to structuring and setting fees rather than on specific categories, thresholds, timelines and amounts. Read the report on the first round of consultations.

The second round of consultations was held between December 2017 and January 2018. The Authority was seeking feedback on options for the allocation of costs between materials and for setting fees for tires. Read the report on the second round of consultations.

The third and final round of consultations was held between January and March 2018. The Authority was seeking feedback on the draft General Fee Setting Policy, the Fee Setting Methodology and the 2018 Registry Fees for Tires for a 45-day period. Read the report on the third round of consultations.

The consultation ended on March 19, 2018. Comments were considered by the Authority as part of the decision-making process for the final General Fee Setting Policy, Fee Setting Methodology and 2018 Registry Fees for Tires.