Pile of Tires

Development of Tire Performance Audit Procedure

The Authority held consultations on the development of an audit procedure to be used to verify the tire collection and management (reuse, retreading or processing) performance data that producers, or producer responsibility organizations (PROs) working on their behalf, will be required to submit to the Authority.

On or before October 31, 2020 (and annually for subsequent years), producers or PROs will be required to complete an audit of their performance towards meeting their mandatory target for the collection and management (reuse, retreading or processing) of used tires at their end of life.

The purpose of the consultation was to gain feedback during the development of the procedures that auditors will have to follow to confirm the accuracy of the information being submitted.

While most producers will work with PROs to set up tire collection and management systems and report their performance to the Authority, producers are ultimately accountable for ensuring their targets are met. While tire service providers (including collectors, haulers, retreaders and processors) are not required to submit performance audits, PROs or producers will rely on the data from service providers to complete their reports.


Tire producer collection and management requirements

Under the Tires Regulation, tire producers are required to meet mandatory targets for the collection and management (reuse, retreading or processing) of used tires at their end of life. A producer’s annual collection target is based on the producer’s tire supply and the tire management target is calculated based on what a producer actually collects in the year. While producers have the option of setting up and managing their own collection and management systems to achieve their targets, most will engage the services of a producer responsibility organization (PRO) to set up and manage the required collection and management systems.

On or before October 31, 2020 (and annually for subsequent years), producers or PROs will be required to complete an audit of their performance towards meeting their management target. The information contained in the audit report for tires collected in the previous calendar year will include (at a minimum):

1. The number and calculated weight of tires that were reused.
2. The number and calculated weight of tires that were retreaded.
3. The weight of processed materials, by material type, that resulted from the processing of tires.
4. A list of types of products and packaging that were made with the processed materials, by material type.
5. The number and calculated weight of tires and the weight of processed materials, by material type, that were land disposed, incinerated, used as a fuel or a fuel supplement, or stored, stockpiled or otherwise deposited on land.
6. A statement confirming whether the producer met their resource recovery standard

See section 26 of the Tires Regulation for further details.