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  • Program: Blue Box
    Topic: Producer
  • Program: Blue Box
    Topic: Producer , Reporting
  • Program: Blue Box
    Topic: Producer , Registration , Registry , Reporting
  • Program: Blue Box
    Topic: Producer

    A newspaper is a regularly (usually daily or weekly) printed document consisting of large, folded, stapled or unstapled, sheets of paper containing news reports, articles, photographs, and advertisements. Newspapers include broadsheet, tabloid, and free newspaper categories.

    Newspapers have traditionally been published in print on low-grade paper known as newsprint. However, not all documents printed on newsprint are considered newspapers. For example, flyers printed on newsprint quality paper supplied separately from newspapers are not newspapers for the purpose of supply data reporting under the Blue Box Regulation.

    For the purpose of supply reporting, newspapers include any supplemental advertisements and inserts that are provided with/inserted in them (e.g., a flyer or circular that is placed within the folds of a newspaper). Inserts may be composed of any material including, but not limited to, paper. See the FAQ: How do newspaper producers report their supply of newspapers?

    Note that magazines are not considered newspapers; a magazine is a periodical publication containing articles and illustrations, typically covering a particular subject or area of interest, and printed on high-quality paper.

  • Program: Blue Box
    Topic: Collection systems , Municipalities , PRO , Producer , Registration , Registry
  • Program: Blue Box
    Topic: Producer
  • Program: Blue Box
    Topic: Collection systems , General , PRO , Processor , Producer