Frequently Asked Questions
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Program: Datacall
Marketed glass may be used for the manufacturing of new containers or used for any beneficial application, such as fibreglass, sand blasting, drainage, filter media and construction projects outside of a landfill.
Alternatively, aggregate that meets Ontario Ministry of Transportation Standards may include glass marketed or used as an aggregate replacement (including aggregate in a landfill road) where the glass is no more than 15% of the aggregate mix as outlined in Ministry of Transportation specifications.
Program: Datacall
If a Blue Box contract has expired and there is no data to enter, check the deactivated checkbox in the Section 3 main menu screen/first landing page that lists all Blue Box contracts. Deactivating will automatically complete all of the tabs in that contract.
It is recommended for historical tracking purposes that you do not delete old contracts and instead deactivate them.
Program: Datacall
To add a new Blue Box contract, click on one of the existing Blue Box contracts from the list in the Section 3 menu screen/first landing page. This will take you to the contract tab of that particular contract. Then, create a new contract either by selecting a municipality, or by entering the name of a private contractor and click Add.
Program: Datacall
No. Do not include any CIF funding in your operating cost calculations. CIF funding that is used for capital costs should be subtracted off of the total cost reported.
Program: Datacall
Each year, the Authority reviews and grades the responses to the Best Practice questions. Municipalities will receive a Best Practice score (out of 100%) that contributes to 15% of their Blue Box funding. The 2020 relative weights of each Best Practice objective are as follows:
- Program Performance Projections and Analysis (20.75% of Best Practice Score towards Blue Box funding)
- Blue Box Efficiency Assessments (12.35% of Best Practice Score towards Blue Box funding)
- Program Performance Outcomes (33.3% of Best Practice Score towards Blue Box funding)
- Training of Key Program Staff in Core Competencies (11.23% of Best Practice Score towards Blue Box funding)
- Blue Box Promotion and Education Achievements and Initiatives (11.23% of Best Practice Score towards Blue Box funding)
- Development of Effective Policies that Promote Waste Diversion (11.23% of Best Practice Score towards Blue Box funding)
Program: Datacall
To calculate Blue Box P&E admin staff costs there are several steps:
- Determine total admin costs (salary, benefits, etc.) for promotion and education related to waste management and enter it in the first column
- Determine this cost based on the number of hours spent on P&E, not the total number of total hours for this position
- Determine the ratio of the number of hours of Blue Box specific P&E activities versus total number of hours of P&E for waste management
- Convert this ratio of hours to a percent and enter it in the second column
- Determine total admin costs (salary, benefits, etc.) for promotion and education related to waste management and enter it in the first column
Program: Datacall
You may report expenditures for any of the Blue Box P&E materials that are listed in Section 2.3 of the Datacall. Remember to apply a percentage that accurately represents the portion of the materials related to the residential Blue Box program. Do not report any InKind advertising linage.
Note: Administration staff cost is for the administration of the P&E materials only, and not for the entire Blue Box program. It is important to keep good records on how the P&E allocations were determined in case of an audit, or if RPRA should request it.
Program: Datacall
The Datacall User Guide defines a set out limit as no additional bags/bins/carts being allowed beyond the limit, even if there is a bag tag program or additional garbage fees for extra bags.
Program: Datacall
Yes. Users are able to carry over the number of households from Section 2.1 Populations and Households to various contracts in Section 3. In Section 3 there will be a question (In the Blue Box Tonnes tab and the Materials Collected sub-tab) asking if all of the households in your program receive the same level of service under this contract.
If YES is selected, the numbers from Section 2.1 are automatically imported.
If the answer is NO, then household data is not imported and this section will have to be completed manually.
Program: Datacall
The recommended sources are:
- Statistics Canada
- Canada Post
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs
- Municipal Clerks Department
- Municipal Finance Department
- Municipal Planning Department
- Municipal Property Assessment Corporation
- The Ontario Municipal Directory
If you use another source, please specify the source in the comment section at the bottom of the page in Section 2.1. To keep data consistent, it is recommended that the same data source used in previous years to also be used in following years.