Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ filtered results:
Program: Datacall
In Question 1, a multi-family household is any unit or apartment in a residential building with six units or more that is served by your municipality or private contractor. You are to report the total number of multi family units and not the number of buildings in your municipality. For example: If your municipality has 4 buildings with 6 units in each building, then report 24 multi-family households.
In Question 2, enter the total number of multi-family households (units) that receive municipal curbside service for each waste stream listed. Do not include any multi-family households that do not receive curbside collection from your program.
In Question 3, report the multi-family and/or single-family households that receive only depot collection.
Program: Datacall
The system will default to the contact(s) we have in our records for your program. Contact RPRA at datacall@rpra.ca to update the primary and secondary contacts.
Program: Datacall
It is recommended to retain information reported in the Datacall for at least five years. Even if a municipality has been audited before, they may be required to show supporting documentation for costs reported in past Datacalls. Information regarding amortized costs must be kept for the entire amortization period.
Program: Datacall
First the Steward Obligation, InKind and Continuous Improvement (CIF) amounts are determined and then the funding is allocated for each municipal program in the MFAM (Municipal Funding Allocation Model). The MFAM uses the following three factors to determine the funding amount for each municipal Blue Box program:
- Best Practices score from Section 2.4 (accounts for 15% of funding)
- Recovered Tonnage of Blue Box materials marketed (accounts for 35% of funding)
- Net Cost of Blue Box program (accounts for 50% of funding)
Program: Datacall
Your previous years data is visible in sections 2, 3, 4, and 7. Otherwise, you can access your previous data by logging into your previous Datacall, using the following link: https://rpradatacall.ca/datacall2020/
User login information will be the same as what is used for the current year Datacall.
Program: Datacall
No. The Datacall form only marks a page as “incomplete” if there is a mandatory question that has been left unanswered, which is marked as “required”. You must complete required questions prior to moving on to another section.
Program: Datacall
Yes. RPRA changes the Datacall record according to audit results, where applicable. All efforts are made to ensure these changes are reflected in the reporting year’s Datacall. Municipalities who were audited will receive a copy of their final audit report prior to the next Datacall reporting deadline.
If you have any questions regarding your previous year’s data, contact datacall@rpra.ca.
Program: Datacall
The Datacall automatically calculates a diversion credit for the following:
- The Ontario Deposit Return Program (5.51 kg/capita)
- Used Passenger and Light Truck (PLT) tires (currently 7.1 kg/capita)
- Backyard Composting (100 kg diversion credit for all backyard composters distributed to date) and
- Depending on the implementation of waste reduction policies, for example, implementing garbage bag limits and banning grass clippings at curbside, a percentage of total reported leaf and yard waste tonnage will be used as a credit for grasscycling
Program: Datacall
Yes. A PDF feature is available on the Datacall main page. This feature is offered throughout the entire Datacall submission period, including after the Datacall deadline. You can go back to access previous Datacall years and download the PDF’s.
If there are several users downloading PDFs at the same time, your PDF copy will be emailed to you typically by the end of the day. Select the sections you would like sent and enter an email address to receive the PDF files.
Program: Datacall
The minimum browser requirements are:
- Macintosh: Netscape 6.0+, Firefox 1.0+, Mozilla 1.0+, Opera 8.5+
- Windows: Internet Explorer 6.0+, Firefox 1.0+, Netscape 6.0+, Mozilla 1.0+, Opera 8.5+
- Linux: Netscape 6.0+, Firefox 1.0+, Mozilla 1.0+
- JavaScript and Session Cookies must be turned on
Please note that Firefox is the preferred browser for the Datacall. Some users have identified compatibility issues with Google Chrome and it is recommended to avoid using it as your browser as the view will have missing components.
If this does not fix the problem, contact datacall@rpra.ca.