Frequently Asked Questions
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Program: Datacall
There could be several reasons why you are experiencing a server error in the Datacall.
The best way for us to support you is if you email a screenshot of the error and details of what occurred to datacall@rpra.ca. We will contact you once the error has been fixed, which is usually within the same business day.
Program: Datacall
The Short-form Datacall is a streamlined version of the Long-form Datacall developed for smaller municipalities. The Short-form Datacall has Section 3.3, and all of Section 5 removed. This means that eligible municipalities do not have to report any Non-Blue Box information. The Short-form Datacall still collects the necessary data for calculating the municipal program’s Blue Box funding (i.e. if a municipal program elects to complete the Short-form, their Blue Box funding will not be affected). Since Non-Blue Box sections are removed, the Authority will not calculate a diversion rate for municipal programs who report into the Short-form Datacall. If a municipal program would still like to receive a diversion rate, then they must report into the standard Datacall.
Through consultation with municipal programs and the Municipal Industry Program Committee (MIPC), a committee of the Authority’s, it was determined that municipal programs with populations of 30,000 or less may be eligible for the Short-form Datacall.
Program: Datacall
Yes. The following resources can support you with submitting to the Datacall: