Design for Disassembly approach encourages reuse of end-of-life building facades

The construction industry is adopting circular economy principles to enhance sustainability, with a focus on the efficient use of resources and the reuse and recycling of materials. ‘Design for Disassembly’ has emerged as a key approach, especially for building facades, aiming to create systems and components that can be easily disassembled, separated, and reused or recycled at the end of their life cycle. This involves prioritizing modular construction, standardized connections, and the use of easily separable materials. Denmark’s Circle House and Østre Havn Parking House G2 are two examples of this approach that champion design for disassembly in building facades and emphasizes the need for a shift in mindsets and close collaboration across the industry for more sustainable and circular facade systems. Read more about the design for disassembly approach.
Photo by Vlado Paunovic on Pexels