LOCUS and Muebles de Concreto partner to upcycle Mexico’s plastic waste into sustainable furniture

The Los Colados project integrates plastic waste with concrete to create sustainable design solutions. The project, by LOCUS in collaboration with Muebles de Concreto, aims to raise environmental awareness and stimulate a re-evaluation of production methods in design and architecture. The initiative focuses on upcycling broken, abandoned, or obsolete plastic product remnants found in Mexico City, one of the world’s most waste-generating cities. The sink, the first piece in a series, replaces traditional aggregates in concrete casting with recycled materials such as SIM cards, refrigerator remnants, plastic bottles, plates, and computer casings, contributing to a more sustainable and visually unique design. Read more about combining upcycled plastic waste with concrete to create sustainable furniture.
Photo by Mike van Schoonderwalt on Pexels