Michigan nonprofit helps keep nearly 1,660 tons of glass from landfills

The Glass Recycling Foundation, a nonprofit based in Michigan, is promoting glass recycling in the U.S. through grants supporting various initiatives. In 2023, they dispersed over $150,000 in grants across 11 projects, diverting nearly 1,660 tons of glass from landfills. The grants were made possible by donations from companies like Anheuser Busch Foundation and Diageo. Projects included supporting glass drop-off programs, commercial recycling solutions, and infrastructure development for glass recycling. The Glass Recycling Foundation has also signed agreements with new entities for projects in 2024. They are now accepting applications for the next round of grants, aiming to encourage collaboration and innovative solutions to increase glass recycling. Read more about the Glass Recycling Foundation.
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on Pexels