Topic: Where to Recycle map

Why aren’t all recycling locations in Ontario on the map?

Under Ontario’s circular economy laws, businesses that produce or supply batteries, electronics, household hazardous waste, lighting, and tires are required to provide recycling locations and report them to RPRA. Only locations reported to RPRA appear on the map.

Recycling locations you’re already aware of that don’t appear on the map most likely collect materials not listed above or are operated by a municipality who aren’t required to report recycling locations to RPRA.

Why can’t I find a location on the Where to Recycle map for recycling Blue Box materials (e.g., glass, plastic, metal or paper packaging)?

Blue Box materials (i.e., products and packaging made of metal, glass, paper, flexible plastic, rigid plastic, and beverage containers) are typically collected directly from residences through the provincial Blue Box Program. RPRA’s Where to Recycle map displays public locations for recycling materials that don’t belong in your Blue Box (e.g., batteries, electronics, household hazardous waste, lighting and tires).

For more information on recycling Blue Box materials, visit Circular Materials’ website. Circular Materials is the administrator of Ontario’s Blue Box collection system.

Are public recycling locations on the Where to Recycle map allowed to charge a fee or refuse to accept my materials?

No. Recycling drop-off locations displayed on the map cannot:

  • charge the public a fee to drop off materials that the location accepts.
  • refuse the drop-off of materials displayed on the map.

If you are charged a fee or refused drop off, you can report an issue about that specific location to RPRA (see our other FAQ for further instructions).

What is the purpose of RPRA’s Where to Recycle map?

RPRA’s Where to Recycle map displays locations across Ontario where the public can drop off used materials to be recycled, such as batteries, electronics, household hazardous waste (e.g., paint, antifreeze, pesticides), lighting and tires, for free. Materials collected at these locations are reused, refurbished, recycled, or properly disposed of to help keep them out of landfill, recover valuable resources and protect our environment. Learn more here.

What if I experience an issue when trying to drop off materials at a location on the Where to Recycle map?

If you experience an issue when dropping off your recyclables at a location displayed on the map, click the ‘Report an Issue’ link on that specific location. This link will open a form for you to fill out about the issue. RPRA’s Compliance Team will review the issue reported and take action, as necessary.

You may report an issue to RPRA because the recycling location:  

  • Charges you a fee to drop off materials accepted for recycling.
  • Refuses to accept your materials for recycling (only applicable if your materials are in line with the examples provided on the map).
  • Displayed on the map does not actually exist.
  • Is not open to the public or does not accept the materials during its business hours.

What materials are accepted for recycling at the locations on the Where to Recycle map?

The Where to Recycle map displays locations that the public can drop off used materials to be recycled, such as batteries, electronics, household hazardous waste (e.g., paint, antifreeze, pesticides), lighting and tires, for free. For specific examples of materials accepted and important information to know before dropping off materials, visit the Where to Recycle map.

Where does the data on the Where to Recycle map come from?

The recycling locations that appear on the map are reported to RPRA by PROs (or producers managing their own collection networks) as the administrators of the collection systems. The public collection activities that PROs report in their registry account are uploaded to the map in near real-time.

Why are some materials not displayed on the Where to Recycle map and how can I recycle them? 

This map provides locations for most materials captured under Ontario’s recycling programs, which are overseen by RPRA: batteries, electronics, household hazardous waste, lighting and tires. See below for more information on what to do with materials that aren’t displayed on the map. 

Household hazardous waste

Drop-off locations for some household hazardous waste, such as refillable propane containers, refillable pressurized containers, fertilizers and mercury-containing thermostats, thermometers and barometers, aren’t displayed on the map because they aren’t required (under the recycling program) to be reported to RPRA. 

However, there may be locations that accept these materials for recycling that aren’t listed on RPRA’s Where to Recycle map. To find a location to dispose of refillable propane containers, refillable pressurized containers, fertilizers or mercury-containing thermostats, thermometers and barometers, contact one of the businesses below or visit their website: 

  • Mobius PRO Services
  • Offers services for refillable propane containers and refillable pressurized containers
  • Phone: 833-266-2487 |Email:| Website
  • Product Care Association
  • Offers services for fertilizers and refillable propane containers
  • Website (includes a map with recycling locations)
  • Ryse Solutions Ontario Inc.
  • Offers services for fertilizers, refillable pressurized containers, refillable propane containers, barometers, thermometers and thermostats
  • Phone: 289-352-1200|Email:| Website
  • Tank Traders
  • Offers services for refillable propane containers
  • Website (includes a map with recycling locations)
  • Thermostat Recovery Program
  • Offers services for thermostats
  • Website (includes a map with recycling locations)

Other materials (e.g., organics, mattresses, textiles, etc.)

If you need to recycle materials outside of the programs that RPRA oversees (e.g., organics, mattresses, textiles, etc.), please contact the waste management department at your municipality for proper disposal instructions.