Updated Performance Reporting Deadline for Battery and ITT/AV Haulers, Processors and Refurbishers

To support our registrants during the first performance period under the Batteries and Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) regulations, the Registrar is making changes to the enforcement of reporting deadlines for haulers, processors and refurbishers.

RPRA recognizes that additional time is needed for service providers of batteries and ITT/AV to submit their performance data in 2022. As the regulator responsible for enforcing the regulations under the RRCEA, RPRA is giving batteries and ITT/AV service providers until May 31, 2022, to submit their 2020/2021 Batteries Performance Report and 2021 ITT/AV Performance Report.

The April 30 performance reporting deadline in the Batteries and EEE regulations will not be enforced provided reporting is submitted no later than May 31, 2022.

RPRA would like to thank the haulers, processors and refurbishers who already submitted their performance data this year to be compliant with the regulations. We received feedback that there were some challenges as this is the first year service providers are reporting on their performance. RPRA is giving service providers more time to submit their report(s) based on this feedback.

Producers, or PROs on their behalf, are still required to submit their performance data by the April 30, 2022, deadline.

Resources to support reporting: