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Advisory Councils

The Authority works with regulated parties and industry experts through advisory councils and groups, which provide advice to the Authority to help us make informed decisions related to our mandate to advance Ontario’s circular economy.

The Authority establishes such councils or groups in two primary ways:

  • Under S.30 of the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016, the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks can direct the Authority to establish an advisory council to provide advice to the Authority.
  • The Authority may establish an advisory group as part of its stakeholder engagement practices in order to solicit advice from its broader stakeholder community.

The Authority’s advisory councils or groups include:

On February 4, 2021, the Authority received a letter from the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks directing it to establish an Industry Advisory Council (IAC) under S.30 of the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016.

The Council represents a cross-section of the regulated producer community and is made up of 11 members appointed by the Authority in consultation with industry and the Ministry.

As outlined in the direction letter, the role and purpose of the Council is to:

  • Provide advice and feedback to the Authority during the business planning process
  • Provide feedback on matters the Authority is consulting on
  • Provide feedback on other matters as determined by the Council
  • Other matters relating to the Authority’s objects as specified by the Minister

The Council does not:

  • Make decisions pertaining to the operations and finances of the Authority
  • Discuss specific compliance matters so as not to interfere with the independence of the Registrar

The Council is co-chaired by Carol Hochu, President and CEO of the Tire and Rubber Association of Canada (TRAC) and Jeffrey Steiner, member of RPRA’s Board of Directors and Governance, Regulatory and Stakeholder Affairs Committee and Audit and Risk Committee. Membership is currently made of representatives from the following organizations:

  • Tire and Rubber Association of Canada (TRAC)
  • Canadian Beverage Association (CBA)
  • Retail Council of Canada (RCC)
  • Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada (FHCPC)
  • Canadian Consumer and Special Products Association (CCSPA)
  • Electronic Products Stewardship Canada (EPSC)
  • Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses (CFIB)
  • News Media Canada (NMC) / Ontario Community Newspapers Association (OCNA)
  • Electro-Federation Canada (EFC)
  • Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers Association (CVMA)
  • Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC)

On October 15, 2021, the Authority received a letter from the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks directing it to establish a Service Provider Advisory Council (SPAC) under S.30 of the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016.

The Council is made up of a maximum of 15 members of the waste management sector representing a cross-section of the service provider community appointed by the Authority in consultation with industry and the Ministry.

As outlined in the direction letter, the role and purpose of the Council is to:

  • Provide advice and feedback to the Authority during the business planning process
  • Provide feedback on matters the Authority is consulting on
  • Provide feedback on other matters as determined by the Council or directed by the Minister.

The Council does not:

  • Make decisions pertaining to the operations and finances of the Authority
  • Discuss specific compliance matters

The Advisory Council is co-chaired by Paulina Leung, Chief Sustainability Officer, Emterra Group and Jeffrey Steiner, member of RPRA’s Board of Directors and Governance, Regulatory and Stakeholder Affairs Committee and Audit and Risk Committee. Membership is currently made of representatives from the following businesses and organizations:

  • City of Toronto
  • Emterra Group
  • GFL Environmental
  • Loop Recycled Products
  • Municipality of Greenstone 
  • Ontario First Nations Technical Services Committee  
  • Ontario Tire Dealers Association 
  • Quantum Lifecycle Partners
  • Environmental 360 Solutions 
  • Regional Public Works Commissioners of Ontario 
  • Waste Connections of Canada
  • Waste to Resource Ontario 
  • Waste Management /Stericycle


Cameron Parrack, Director of Programs and Stakeholder Relations at