The Board of Directors is responsible for the Authority’s governance and overall strategic direction. The Board is accountable for the Authority’s compliance with its mandated objectives and responsibilities under legislation, and the operating agreement with the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.
The Board’s roles and responsibilities include:
- Strategic planning
- Corporate governance and statutory compliance
- Oversight of management and administration
- Oversight of risk management
- Oversight of internal financial and operational controls
- Ensuring the appropriate accounting of financial matters
- Appointing and evaluating the performance of the chief executive officer
- Appointing and evaluating the performance of the registrar
- Oversight of communications with stakeholders
Board Members
The Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks appoints five members to the Board of Directors, and may also appoint the Chair. The Board elects an additional six members to form the full 11-member Board.
Corporate Secretary
The Corporate Secretary is appointed by RPRA’s Board of Directors.
Board Committees
The Board has established the following committees:
Audit and Risk Committee
Assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities with respect to the corporation’s standards of integrity and behaviour, reporting of financial information, risk management oversight, and management control practices.
Finance and Technology Committee
Ensures effective oversight on behalf of the Board of the financial and technology assets of the Authority.
This Committee oversees the preparation of the annual business plan, operating and capital budgets, and general financial resources management. This Committee is also responsible for ensuring that management has adequate and effective policies and procedures for financial reporting and for monitoring and reviewing financial performance and internal controls.
Governance, Regulatory, and Stakeholder Affairs Committee
Addresses governance issues related to the effective functioning of the Authority, its Board and Board Committees.
This Committee is responsible for oversight on behalf of the Board of corporate governance processes, the policies and protocol of the Board, Directors’ Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest, and Board and Board Committee evaluations. This Committee is also responsible for oversight of the organization’s compliance with the RRCEA, WDTA and Operating Agreement including delivery of the compliance and enforcement function within the context of the Registrar’s independent decision-making responsibility.
Human Resources Committee
Ensures effective oversight on behalf of the Board of the human resources of the Authority. This Committee oversees human resources management and ensures the adequacy and effectiveness of human resource policies and procedures.
Board Meeting Dates in 2025
- February 20
- May 15 (Board & Annual Meeting of the Board)
- June 19
- June 24 (Annual Public Meeting)
- August 7
- September 17
- November 28
RPRA Board & Sub-Committee Dates in 2025
All meeting dates are subject to change. Meetings may also be added or cancelled by the committee. Not all meetings may be reflected below.
Audit and Risk Sub-Committee Dates
- April 30
- June 17
- September 9
- November 25
Finance and Technology Sub-Committee Dates
- February 11
- April 24
- June 11
- August 6
- September 11
- November 20
Governance, Regulatory, and Stakeholder Affairs Sub-Committee Dates
- February 18
- May 13
- September 16
- November 13
Human Resources Sub-Committee Dates
- February 12
- June 10
- August 5
- November 18