

Under the legacy Blue Box Program operated by Stewardship Ontario, businesses were required to provide half of the funding to operate the program. Municipalities that operated Blue Box programs in their communities covered the other half.

The cost of operating the Blue Box Program was determined using information participating communities reported annually to PRRA through the Datacall.

Eligible municipalities, First Nation communities and recycling associations submitted their final Datacall reports to RPRA in 2024 to determine funding allotments for 2025.

As of January 1, 2026, Ontario’s multi-year transition from the legacy program to the producer-funded system outlined in the Blue Box Regulation will take full effect.

Historical data collected through the Datacall will remain available to the public and can be found below:

Use the links below to download zip folders containing information about accepted materials, tonnage, program costs, revenue, residential waste diversion rate, organics and other recyclables.