Frequently Asked Questions
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Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: AGD , Generator , Registry
The amended Regulation 347: General – Waste Management clarifies that generators can delegate a service provider to submit information to the registry on the generator’s behalf. We call this kind of service provider an “authorized generator delegate” or an “AGD”.
If you choose the AGD role in RPRA’s HWP registry, you must have a written delegation agreement with the generator that appointed you their delegate.
Requirements for written authorizations to delegate, are set out in section 7.2 Delegating Registration and Reporting (section 27.2 of Regulation 347) of the ministry’s revised “Registration Guidance Manual for Generators of Liquid Industrial and Hazardous Waste”.
See FAQ: What is the difference between partial and full delegation?
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: AGD , Generator , Registry
Full delegation: when generators hire service providers to do all the facility and waste stream management, reporting and fee payment in the registry on their behalf, and they never have to set up accounts or use the registry.
Partial delegation: when generators want to set up their own account in the registry and pay their own fees, they can still delegate facility and waste stream management and other reporting activities to a service provider.
Please note delegation is not needed for a service provider to create manifests for your facility. Delegation is needed only for a service provider to help manage a generator’s facility and waste stream information (e.g., register or edit waste streams) or sign off on manifests on the generator’s behalf.
Comparison of delegation options
Function Full delegation Partial delegation No delegation Create my own generator registry account and register my own facilities ⚫ ⚫ Register my own wastes ⚫ ⚫ Create my own manifests ⚫ ⚫ Sign my own manifests (including corrections) ⚫ ⚫ Have an AGD register my facilities ⚫ Have an AGD register my wastes ⚫ ⚫ Have 2 or more AGDs register and manage waste at the same facility ⚫ Have an AGD or other service provider create my manifests ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ Have an AGD sign manifests on my behalf (including corrections) ⚫ ⚫ Note: If you fully delegate to a service provider, you will not have to use the HWP Registry -
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: AGD , Registry
If you are only providing auditing and training services, you are not considered an AGD under the regulation. However, a generator’s account administrator can add you as a user in the HWP Registry where you can access the registrant’s reporting information. This will support your audit, consulting, and training services. You would be an authorized generator delegate if you are doing reporting on the generator’s behalf under the regulation: registering facility or waste stream information or signing manifests as the generator.
See FAQ: what is delegation?
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: AGD , Generator , Registry , RPRA Program and Registry Fees
Fees will be charged to generators only, aligning with the current Hazardous Waste Program fee structure.
If full delegation is selected, the authorized delegate that registers the generator’s facility will pay the fees.
If a generator has partially delegated to a service provider, the AGD can manage and report activities at the generators’ facilities, but the generator will be responsible for paying the fees.
See FAQ: Will I pay my fees using a prepaid account like HWIN?
See FAQ: Is there a fee to set up an account in the HWP Registry?
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: AGD , Registry
No, RPRA does not have a list of companies. We recommend that generators reach out to their current service providers to ask if they will be providing delegation services.
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: AGD , Registry
If you are interested in learning more about becoming an AGD, please reach out to RPRA at registry@rpra.ca.
In terms of setting up your registry account, when creating your account in the HWP Registry, on the “Role Selection” page, users will be able to select the role (or roles) that apply to them, including acting as an authorized generator delegate (AGD).
Prior to creating an account, selecting the AGD role and submitting information to the registry on your clients’ behalf, you will need to have an agreement in place with your client(s). You should communicate with your generator clients about their ability to delegate to a service provider and prepare your staff to answer questions about delegation.
Requirements for written authorizations to delegate, are set out in the ministry’s revised “Registration Guidance Manual for Generators of Liquid Industrial and Hazardous Waste”
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: General , Registry
Yes, all users who have an active waste stream associated with an active facility and have not delegated account creation to an Authorized Generator Delegate are required to create an account in the HWP Registry. Account creation consists of entering your company name and contact information and creating usernames and passwords. Once you create an account in the new registry, you will be able to migrate all of your existing generator numbers from HWIN (and associated facility and waste information) to your one company account.
If you are a generator who is fully delegating to an Authorized Generator Delegate (AGD), you will not have to create a Registry account. In that case, the AGD will manage your facility and waste information under their own Registry account.
If you are a generator who doesn’t have an active waste stream associated with an active facility, there is no need to create a registry account or delegate an AGD to do so on your behalf.
See FAQ: Will HWIN users’ data be migrated to the HWP Registry?
See FAQ: What is delegation?
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: General , Generator , Registry
All information required to be reported under the Hazardous Waste Program and Regulation 347: General – Waste Management will need to be submitted through the new Hazardous Waste Program Registry starting January 1, 2023.
However, the amended Regulation 347: General – Waste Management makes clear that a generator can delegate reporting activities to a service provider, so service providers can submit the required information to the Registry and pay fees on behalf of the generator.
See FAQ: Where can I find information about the Hazardous Waste Program and associated regulations
See FAQ: what is delegation?