Frequently Asked Questions
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The Far North Boundary is the line between Ontario’s Far North and all communities south of the Far North.
Under the Far North Act, 2010, “Far North” is defined as the portion of Ontario that lies north of the land consisting of:
- Woodland Caribou Provincial Park;
- Red Lake Forest, Trout Lake Forest, Lac Seul Forest and Caribou Forest;
- Wabakimi Provincial Park, and;
- Ogoki Forest, Kenogami Forest, Hearst Forest, Gordon Cosens Forest and Cochrane-Moose River.
See the Far North of Ontario Map.
Also see our FAQ: ‘What producer-run recycling programs can remote or fly-in First Nation communities in Ontario access?’
Program: Hazardous and Special ProductsTopic: First Nation communities
All remote and fly-in First Nation communities can access the Hazardous Special Products (HSP, formerly known as Household Hazardous Waste) producer-run program.
All other producer-run recycling programs are only accessible to communities south of the Far North Boundary.
For more information about recycling programs in First Nation Communities, visit our Recycling in First Nation Communities webpage.
Also see our FAQ: ‘What is the Far North Boundary?’
Program: Blue BoxTopic: Collection systems
A supplemental collection system is one of three types of collection and management systems that producers can choose to establish or participate in to contribute to their collection, management, and promotion and education requirements under the Blue Box Regulation.
Supplemental collection systems are not required to service all eligible communities south of Ontario’s Far North. Therefore, a producer participating in this type of system is still required to participate in the common collection system to meet their obligation to collect and manage Blue Box materials from all eligible communities, and to provide a promotion and education program.
One or more producers or PROs can establish a supplemental collection system. If a producer or PRO wishes to use a supplemental collection system’s collected materials towards producer minimum management requirements, that system should register with RPRA.
For more information on supplemental collection system registration criteria, please reach out to registry@rpra.ca.
Also see: ‘What is the Blue Box common collection system?’, ‘What is a Blue Box alternative collection system?’
Program: Blue BoxTopic: Collection systems
The common collection system is the Blue Box material collection and management system established by PROs on behalf of producers. Blue Box materials that are picked up through curbside residential collection, for instance, are processed through the common collection system. The system came into effect on July 1, 2023, as outlined in the Blue Box Regulation. The common collection system services all eligible communities south of Ontario’s Far North.
It is one of three types of collection and management systems that producers can choose to use to meet their minimum management requirements. Producers who use the common collection system to meet their obligations will contract with a PRO that is participating in the common collection system.
A high-level overview of the common collection system was provided by PROs Circular Materials and Ryse Solutions Ontario in 2022 in their Initial Blue Box Report.
Also see: ‘What is a Blue Box Alternative collection system?’, ‘What is a Blue Box supplemental collection system?’
Program: Blue BoxTopic: Collection systems
An alternative collection system is one of three types of collection and management systems for Blue Box materials. Producers can choose to establish or participate in an alternative collection system to meet their collection, management, and promotion and education requirements under the Blue Box Regulation.
An alternative collection system can be established by one or more producers or PROs. The system must demonstrate that it can meet all system regulatory requirements as well as the minimum management requirements for participating producer(s). A producer can choose to meet their obligations using an alternative collection system instead of participating in the common collection system.
Types of alternative collection systems may vary and can include depot or return-by-mail systems. Alternative collection systems must service all eligible communities south of Ontario’s Far North.
For more information on alternative collection system registration criteria, please reach out to registry@rpra.ca.
Also see: ‘What is the Blue Box common collection system?’, ‘What is a Blue Box supplemental collection system?’
Program: Blue BoxTopic: First Nation communities
If your community is south of the Far North boundary, you can complete the registration form and email it to registry@rpra.ca to express your community’s interest in participating in the producer-run Blue Box program. A Compliance Officer will reach out to you to discuss the reporting and offer process, confirm the information provided in the registration form, and answer any questions you may have.
Communities in this situation are eligible to receive recycling collection services starting January 1, 2026.