Frequently Asked Questions
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Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: Carrier , Generator , Manifesting
Yes, a generator can sign a manifest on a carrier’s device. This may occur if the generator does not have their own device to sign off on at the time of waste pick-up or if the signee is not a user in their company’s Registry account.
This quick reference guide outlines the steps for obtaining the generator signature on the carrier’s device.
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: AGD , Carrier , Receiver , Registry
The new HWP Registry has been built to allow draft manifests to be easily created in the new system. Facility and waste stream information can be automatically applied to the manifest through easy lookups and tables, using a web browser or the mobile app. Additionally, manifests can be ‘copied’ for reuse when the same or similar shipments happen more than once.
See below materials showing how to initiate manifests.
See here for manifesting a shipment as a receiver
If you deal with a high volume of manifests, you may wish to make use of the Registry’s external API that allows for automatic integration between external systems and the Registry. Contact RPRA_External_API_Support_Team@rpra.ca for more information.
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: General , Registry
Each registry account has one account administrator, who is responsible for enrolling the company in programs (e.g., HWP, batteries, etc.) and adding/removing additional account users.
There is one primary user for each program enrolment. In HWP, the primary user can add/remove users to the HWP program, add program roles (such as generator, carrier or receiver) and is the point of contact to receive email notifications (such as when a new invoice is available).
Secondary users in the HWP can create and edit generator facilities and waste information (generator/AGD roles only); add ECA information and edit contact information (carrier/receiver roles only); create, edit and sign manifests.
Driver users are specific to the carrier role in the HWP program. Drivers can create, edit and sign manifests but cannot add ECA information.
Manifest-only users, like the driver user role, have a reduced level of access limited to viewing, creating, editing and signing manifests. They cannot view, edit, or manage facilities, or view information related to fees.
Account admins can manage password resets for all active users in the account. Primary users are also able to manage password resets, but only for active users within the programs they are the primary user for. If secondary users, drivers or manifest-only users require a password reset, they can reach out to the account admin or primary user to do so.
User Management
Functionalities Admin Primary Secondary Driver* Manifest-only Add/remove users across programs ⚫ Reset passwords for all users across programs ⚫ Add / remove users to same program ⚫ ⚫ Reset passwords for active users within the same program ⚫ ⚫ Receive invoice notifications ⚫ ⚫ Create / manage facilities ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ Create / manage wastes ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ View / create / edit and sign manifests ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ *Available only to accounts where the carrier role is selected. Drivers will only be able to view and action manifests where the company is listed as the carrier -
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: AGD , Carrier , Generator , Receiver
Regulation 347: General – Waste Management outlines the requirement for the regulated community to maintain a copy of paper manifests for a period of two years, for manifests that are applicable prior to January 1, 2023.
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: AGD , Generator , Registry
In the HWP Registry, users will be able to access, download and print a PDF version of their manifest. RPRA has worked with Transport Canada to ensure the printable PDF complies with the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) requirements in most cases.
For more information about your TDG requirements, visit: https://tc.canada.ca/en/dangerous-goods/transportation-dangerous-goods-canada.
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: Carrier , Generator , Receiver , Registry
If a receiver receives a shipment with a shipment date in the 2023 calendar year that has an accompanying paper manifest and they have not been notified by the generator or carrier that there is permission to submit paper for that particular shipment, they should contact the generator and/or carrier to explain that the shipment needs to be completed through RPRA’s new Hazardous Waste Program Registry. The paper manifest would not be accepted by the ministry and does not meet the regulatory requirements under the amended Regulation 347: General – Waste Management. Starting January 1, 2023, reporting on waste management activities, including manifesting, is to be completed through RPRA’s new digital registry.
Note that there may be an exceptional and rare circumstance where a generator has received approval from the ministry to submit paper manifests to the ministry for a time-limited period. The generator or carrier should make the receiver aware of this undue hardship approval. This undue hardship provision is outlined in section 27.1 (1) of Regulation 347 that will take effect January 1, 2023. In this exceptional circumstance, the 2023 shipment can proceed through a paper manifest.
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: General , Registry
Yes, users will be able to access, download and print a PDF version of their manifest from the HWP Registry.
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: General , Registry
The amended Regulation 347: General – Waste Management requires the regulated community to report through the new electronic Hazardous Waste Program Registry, starting January 1, 2023.
In exceptional circumstances, if a person believes that submitting a document electronically through the new Registry will result in undue hardship, a request may be submitted to the Ministry for a time-limited approval to submit a paper submission instead. This is outlined in section 27.1 (1) of Regulation 347 that will take effect January 1, 2023, and more information will be made available by the Ministry in the future.
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: General , Registry
An Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) is a permission issued in Ontario by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks that imposes activity-specific rules to ensure businesses operate their facility, site or system in a manner that is protective of human health and the natural environment. Activities that may require an ECA include hazardous waste transportation, landfilling, waste transfer or processing, private or municipal wastewater treatment, and general manufacturing.
ECA numbers are used on manifests to identify carrier and receivers in Ontario and to validate that all parties are approved to manage the selected waste stream. If you are a carrier or a receiving facility, all ECA numbers must be linked to your Hazardous Waste Program (HWP) Registry account.
If your facility is located outside of Ontario, you may have been issued a similar permit or receiver number by your local jurisdiction with respect to your involvement in the handling of hazardous waste. You must link this permit number to your RPRA registry account to complete the receiver information on a manifest.
If the permit number is not accepted in the HWP Registry, please contact the ministry at hazardouswasteprogram@ontario.ca and provide the following information in your request:
- Contact information: phone number, phone extension (if applicable), and email.
- Other jurisdiction approval number (if applicable)
- Role (carrier or receiver)
- Company name
- Mailing address: address, city, postal code/zip code, province/state, and country
- Receiving site information: address, city, postal code/zip code, province/state, and country
- Waste information:
- List all Ontario waste classes this site will manage, including the three-digit number and waste product name. For more information, please see Appendix A of the updated Registration Guidance Manual for Generators of Liquid Industrial and Hazardous Waste.
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: AGD , Generator , Registry , RPRA Program and Registry Fees
The HWP Registry is unable to accept partial payments for invoices issued to an account. Monthly invoices will include the applicable fees for all manifests completed during the previous month and will break fees down by facility. Consider an internal business process to bill back each facility as required.
See FAQ: Can we set up separate invoices for each facility within one account?
See FAQ: What information is included on an invoice for HWP Registry fees?