Frequently Asked Questions
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Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: Generator , Receiver , Registry
Yes, receivers in other jurisdictions that receive waste from Ontario must have an account in RPRA’s Hazardous Waste Program Registry in order to complete the receiver information on a manifest. Regulation 347: General – Waste Management under the Environmental Protection Act states that a carrier is only allowed to transport subject waste out of Ontario to a receiving facility outside Ontario if they have reason to believe the intended receiver is willing to submit the required receiver manifest information through the registry.
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: AGD , Generator , Registry , RPRA Program and Registry Fees
The HWP Registry is unable to issue separate invoices for different facilities managed under one account.
Monthly invoices will include the applicable fees for manifests completed during the previous month and will break fees down by facility. If a user is looking for more details about facility-specific activities, they can find that information in the registry.
See FAQ: What information is included on an invoice for HWP Registry fees?
See FAQ: Can I submit a partial payment for only the facilities I manage? -
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: AGD , Generator , Registry , RPRA Program and Registry Fees
See sample invoices here. The three examples included in the PDF are:
- Manifest Invoice – Generator Variant (aggregates fees for multiple manifests over a month; includes a facility-level breakdown)
- Manifest Invoice – AGD Variant (aggregates fees for multiple manifests over a month; includes a company- and facility-level breakdown)
- On-site Waste Activity Invoice (fees for a single On-site waste activity)
Manifest invoices will be issued on the first day of each month and will include all manifests completed in the previous month, For example, an invoice issued on February 1 will include completed manifests from January 1 to January 31.
The primary user of the account will receive an email notification when a manifest invoice is issued. Any primary or secondary user on the account can access and pay an invoice from the Registry homepage.
While the manifest invoice provides a total fee for each facility, users can see the fee per individual manifest from the Invoices tab in their Registry Account.
The easiest way to find individual manifest fees is directly in the Invoices tab under Manifests with Fees. Users can find individual manifest fees under the Manifests tab, but they’ll have to navigate to the “Closed Manifests” section and then search for and open the manifest itself.
On-site waste activity invoices will be issued when the Registry user completes an on-site waste activity report and submits their payment information.
See FAQ: What payment methods are available?
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: AGD , Carrier , Generator , Receiver , Registry
Both. You will continue to report your cross-border shipment through CNMTS (Canadian Notification and Movement Tracking System) and will report your Ontario-required information through the HWP Registry.
Note: you will no longer need to mail copies of your CNMTS manifest to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: AGD , Registry
If you are only providing auditing and training services, you are not considered an AGD under the regulation. However, a generator’s account administrator can add you as a user in the HWP Registry where you can access the registrant’s reporting information. This will support your audit, consulting, and training services. You would be an authorized generator delegate if you are doing reporting on the generator’s behalf under the regulation: registering facility or waste stream information or signing manifests as the generator.
See FAQ: what is delegation?
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: Carrier , Generator , Receiver , Registry
Only hazardous waste from facilities and waste streams that are set up in the new registry can be shipped, stored, processed, or disposed as of January 1, 2023. Generators, carriers, and receivers must have an account in the new registry to be listed on a manifest, create, edit or sign manifests, or report on-site waste activities, among other activities.
Creating an account is easy and straightforward. To make it easier, have the generator numbers, HWIN usernames and Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) numbers for your business readily available.
The HWP Registry and the mobile app were built and tested by RPRA staff, ministry staff, industry stakeholders and external technology vendors to be efficient and user-friendly. To set up an account, follow the steps below:
- Go to registry.rpra.ca
- Click the Create New Account link if you do not already have a registry account
- Enter your business contact information
- Enroll in the Hazardous Waste Program Registry as a generator, carrier, receiver or Authorized Generator Delegate (AGD). An email will then be sent with instructions to activate your account
Check out these step-by-step instructions for account creation and retrieving HWIN data.
Carriers and receivers can link existing environmental compliance approval (ECA) numbers to their account. Check out this “how-to” video to link your ECA numbers.
If you have been authorized to act as a full delegate, you should have the generator numbers and HWIN usernames for each of your clients. If acting as a partial delegate, please reach out to new clients to ensure they have their accounts and facilities set up.
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: Generator , Registry
Generators can log into the HWP Registry at any time to see the status of all their manifests from the homepage. From there, they will be able to use filters to only show manifests that require their action (e.g., signature required).
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: General , Registry
The mobile app, RPRA HazTrack, is available for download through the Apple APP Store and Google Play Store since November 15, 2022, the same day that the HWP Registry launched for account creation. Users have to first create an account in the HWP Registry before they can login to the app. Other app functionalities, such as manifesting, will not be available until January 1, 2023.
As from January 1, the app will allow generators, carriers and receivers to:
- View and sign manifest
- Create new manifests (“parts A and B”)
- Complete manifests (“part C”)
- Including accepting or refusing wastes
- Make corrections to the manifest
Users of the web-based application for the HWP Registry will use the same username and password to sign into the mobile application.
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: Registry , Reporting
Starting January 1, obligated parties are required to report on waste management activities, including manifesting, through the online HWP Registry instead of reporting through the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Park’s Hazardous Waste Information Network (HWIN) and instead of using paper manifests.
The regulated community no longer has access to HWIN to manage their accounts and pay fees associated with activities from 2022 or earlier.
If necessary, the ministry will contact generators to address balances remaining in HWIN pre-paid accounts from 2022.
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: General , Registry , RPRA Program and Registry Fees
RPRA consulted industry stakeholders on the 2025 HWP Registry Fees from September 27 to November 12, 2024 and, based on the feedback received, the HWP Registry Fees have been set on the following basis:
- fees will be charged to generators only, aligning with the current Hazardous Waste Program fee structure
- the manifest fee will be set at $6, the same rate as today, and will be charged per manifest
- the tonnage fee has been set at $27.50, instead of the current $30 fee, and will only apply to shipped hazardous waste and hazardous waste that is disposed on site which remains the same as today’s framework
- there will be no annual registration fee
- all existing fee exemptions will be maintained, as per Ontario Regulation 323/22: Subject Waste Program