Frequently Asked Questions
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Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: General , Registry , RPRA Program and Registry Fees
No, there is no fee to create an account in the HWP Registry. Fees will be tied to the activities that generators report on or that are reported on their behalf (e.g., manifests and on-site storage, processing and disposal).
View the 2025 HWP Registry Fees Schedule
See FAQ: When will I have to pay fees?
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: General , Registry , RPRA Program and Registry Fees
No. Fees will be invoiced monthly and will include applicable fees for manifests completed during the previous month. Fees for onsite disposal will be invoiced at the time the disposal activity report is completed.
See FAQ: What payment methods are available in the Registry?
See FAQ: Who pays RPRA’s HWP Registry fees?
See FAQ: What information is included on an invoice for HWP Registry fees?
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: General , Registry , RPRA Program and Registry Fees
Fees are tied to the activities that generators report on or that are reported on their behalf by authorized generator delegates (AGDs) (e.g., manifests and on-site storage, processing and disposal). Fees will be invoiced on the first day of each month and will include all manifests completed in the previous month.
RPRA consulted industry stakeholders on the 2025 HWP Registry Fees from September 27 to November 12, 2024 and, based on the feedback received, the HWP Registry Fees have been set on the following basis:
- fees is charged to generators only, aligning with the current Hazardous Waste Program fee structure
- the manifest fee has been set at $6, the same rate as today, and will be charged per manifest
- the tonnage fee has been set at $27.50, instead of the past $30 fee, and will only apply to shipped hazardous waste and hazardous waste that is disposed on site which remains the same as today’s framework
- there is no annual registration fee
- all existing fee exemptions are maintained, as per Ontario Regulation 323/22: Subject Waste Program
View the 2025 HWP Registry Fees Schedule
See FAQ: Will I pay my fees using a prepaid account like HWIN?
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: Carrier , General , Receiver , Registry
Yes. Carriers and receivers are required to create an account in the HWP Registry and link their active Environmental Compliance Approval numbers to their Registry accounts. Starting January 1, 2023, businesses and institutions regulated by the Hazardous Waste Program are required to report information through the Registry instead of through HWIN. Only carriers and receivers who have Registry accounts will be able to be listed on manifests.
Carriers can find training resources for account set up here
Receivers can find training resources for account set up here
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: AGD , Generator , Registry
Full delegation: when generators hire service providers to do all the facility and waste stream management, reporting and fee payment in the registry on their behalf, and they never have to set up accounts or use the registry.
Partial delegation: when generators want to set up their own account in the registry and pay their own fees, they can still delegate facility and waste stream management and other reporting activities to a service provider.
Please note delegation is not needed for a service provider to create manifests for your facility. Delegation is needed only for a service provider to help manage a generator’s facility and waste stream information (e.g., register or edit waste streams) or sign off on manifests on the generator’s behalf.
Comparison of delegation options
Function Full delegation Partial delegation No delegation Create my own generator registry account and register my own facilities ⚫ ⚫ Register my own wastes ⚫ ⚫ Create my own manifests ⚫ ⚫ Sign my own manifests (including corrections) ⚫ ⚫ Have an AGD register my facilities ⚫ Have an AGD register my wastes ⚫ ⚫ Have 2 or more AGDs register and manage waste at the same facility ⚫ Have an AGD or other service provider create my manifests ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ Have an AGD sign manifests on my behalf (including corrections) ⚫ ⚫ Note: If you fully delegate to a service provider, you will not have to use the HWP Registry -
Program: Hazardous WasteTopic: General , Registry
Yes, in October 2022, RPRA has migrated the facility and waste stream data identified below to the new registry to minimize the volume of data users would otherwise have to enter from scratch.
Data that has been migrated into the Registry from HWIN includes:
- Active generators accounts:
- Generator ID
- Company details
- Site location
- Company official / alternate HWIN Administrator details
- Site Details
- Waste Identification (for active wastes):
- Waste Class
- Waste Stream
- Land Disposal Restrictions (LDR) Notification Form
- Fee exemptions
- Carrier and Receiver Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) information:
- ECA number
- Company Name
- Site location
- Company admin / official information
- Waste codes
*The following data has not been migrated:
- Generator accounts where the generator number or ID begins with ONR or ONF
- Inactive waste streams and facilities
- Manifests
- On-site processing, storage and disposal information
- LDR questionnaires (only LDR notification forms will be migrated)
- Financial information (including account balances, payment information)
- Document attachments (such as copies of Environmental Compliance Approvals)
Note: while some recently expired generator accounts might have been migrated to the registry, users should have ensured that their data in the HWIN system is accurate and up to date ahead of the migration in October to ensure their data is accessible in the registry. This may have included reactivating inactive waste streams and facilities in HWIN in order for them to be migrated to the registry.