Topic: Management activities

Are containers that are obligated under the Hazardous and Special Products (HSP) Regulation obligated as Blue Box materials?

No, products or packaging designated as Hazardous and Special Products (HSP) are not obligated under the Blue Box Regulation. For example, primary packaging for paints and coatings are HSP and therefore not obligated as Blue Box materials.

Some packaging for HSP products may still be obligated. For example, the packaging that contains an oil filter is obligated as Blue Box materials.

Consult the HSP Regulation or the Compliance and Registry Team for further information.

Does RPRA pay incentives for collecting, hauling, and processing materials?

No. The Authority does not administer contracts or provide incentives. Under the Regulations, producers will either work with a producer responsibility organization (PRO) or work directly with collection sites, haulers, refurbisher’s and/or processors to meet their collection and management requirements. Any reimbursement for services provided towards meeting a producers’ collection and management requirements will be determined through commercial contracts.

To discuss any payment, contact your service provider or a PRO. RPRA does not set the terms of the contractual arrangements between PROs and producers.

What is a PRO?

A producer responsibility organization (PRO) is a business established to contract with producers to provide collection, management, and administrative services to help producers meet their regulatory obligations under the Regulation, including:

  • Arranging the establishment or operation of collection and management systems (hauling, recycling, reuse, or refurbishment services)
  • Establishing or operating a collection or management system
  • Preparing and submitting reports

PROs operate in a competitive market and producers can choose the PRO (or PROs) they want to work with. The terms and conditions of each contract with a PRO may vary.

If a producer meets its collection and management requirements early, can it stop collecting and processing materials?

No. Producers and PROs working on their behalf must operate the collection systems they have established as required by the Regulation even after their requirements are met. If a consumer is refused permission to drop off materials at a registered collection site, they can contact the Compliance and Registry Team at, 647-496-0530 or toll-free at 1-833-600-0530.

I’m a producer. How do I set up my tire collection and tire management network?

The Tires Regulation requires producers to submit to the Registry the identity of each tire collector and tire collection site that is a part of that producer’s tire collection system. It is up to each producer, or a producer responsibility organization (PRO) on the producer’s behalf, to identify the tire collection sites that will be used in their tire collection systems.

Tire collectors are required to register and identify their collection sites (i.e., the address for every individual site where tires are collected). The collection site data will be used to populate a list of collection sites that will be available to producers and PROs. Producers, or their PROs, will be required to identify their tire collection systems.

Please read Compliance Bulletin -Tire Collection Systems for compliance guidance to producers who are required to establish and operate tire collection systems under the Tires Regulation.

How are my tire collection and resource recovery requirements determined?

Tire Collection Requirements
The minimum tire collection requirements are calculated based on a rolling average of three years of tire supply data multiplied by 0.85 to account for tire wear. Section 4(2) of the Tires Regulation describes the formula used.

Tire Resource Recovery Requirements
Producers must ensure that 85% of the tires they collected in a year, by weight, were reused, retreaded or turned into processed materials and made into products and packaging as described in section 11 of the Tires Regulation.

Any producer who collects tires in a calendar year, despite being exempt from the collection requirements under section 4(7) of the Tires Regulation, is required to manage those tires (through reuse, retreading or processing) in accordance with section 11(6) of the Tires Regulation.