Topic: PRO

What is a PRO?

A producer responsibility organization (PRO) is a business established to contract with producers to provide collection, management, and administrative services to help producers meet their regulatory obligations under the Regulation, including:

  • Arranging the establishment or operation of collection and management systems (hauling, recycling, reuse, or refurbishment services)
  • Establishing or operating a collection or management system
  • Preparing and submitting reports

PROs operate in a competitive market and producers can choose the PRO (or PROs) they want to work with. The terms and conditions of each contract with a PRO may vary.

Is a PRO required to make my collection site part of their collection system?

A producer responsibility organization (PRO) is not necessarily required to include each and every collection site in Ontario in their collection system. However, producers and PROs acting on their behalf are required to establish and operate a collection system that meets the requirements of the Tires Regulation.

If a collection site operator is unable to be included in a collection system, the operator should contact RPRA’s Compliance Team at, 647-496-0530 or toll free at 1-833-600-0530 for assistance.

Read Compliance Bulletin – Tire Collection Systems for more information. The contact information for all registered PROs is available on the producer responsibility organization webpage.

If a producer meets its collection and management requirements early, can it stop collecting and processing materials?

No. Producers and PROs working on their behalf must operate the collection systems they have established as required by the Regulation even after their requirements are met. If a consumer is refused permission to drop off materials at a registered collection site, they can contact the Compliance and Registry Team at, 647-496-0530 or toll-free at 1-833-600-0530.

I’m a producer. How do I set up my tire collection and tire management network?

The Tires Regulation requires producers to submit to the Registry the identity of each tire collector and tire collection site that is a part of that producer’s tire collection system. It is up to each producer, or a producer responsibility organization (PRO) on the producer’s behalf, to identify the tire collection sites that will be used in their tire collection systems.

Tire collectors are required to register and identify their collection sites (i.e., the address for every individual site where tires are collected). The collection site data will be used to populate a list of collection sites that will be available to producers and PROs. Producers, or their PROs, will be required to identify their tire collection systems.

Please read Compliance Bulletin -Tire Collection Systems for compliance guidance to producers who are required to establish and operate tire collection systems under the Tires Regulation.

I’m a collector. Who will pick up my tires?

Collectors will have to independently enter into commercial agreements with producers, producer responsibility organizations (PROs) or other service providers such as haulers or processors to secure tire collection services. Collectors could also continue to operate within their existing agreements with service providers such as haulers or processors. As long as a collector’s site is part of a producer’s tire collection system, the producer, or their PRO, is obligated to ensure tires are picked up from that site.

Since producers now have legal obligations under the Tires Regulation, producers, or their PROs, will need your tires to meet their management requirements , but you must be registered with RPRA for your tires to count towards producers’ collection and management requirements (unless you are exempt from the registration requirement, for example, municipal sites, Crown sites and fleet operator sites).

A list of registered PROs and producers is available on RPRA’s website on the Find a Registrant page.

As a producer, do I need a PRO to meet my collection and management requirements?

No, producers are not required to sign up with a PRO to meet their regulatory requirements. It is a business decision if a producer chooses to work with a PRO, and a producer can choose to meet their obligations without a PRO.

Most producers will choose to contract with a PRO to provide collection, hauling, processing, retreading and/or refurbishing services to achieve their collection and management requirements unless they carry out these activities themselves.


Are there costs associated with PROs?

Yes. PROs are private enterprises and charge for their services to producers.

Each commercial contract a producer enters with a PRO will have its own set of terms and conditions. It is up to the PRO and producer to determine the terms of their contractual agreement, including fees and payment schedule.

RPRA does not set the terms of the contractual arrangements between PROs and producers.

Which address should I use as my business address?

You should use the address where you carry on business. If you carry on business in more than one location in Ontario, use the main address for your business in Ontario. If you do not have an Ontario address, use the address that relates to the activities you carry out in Ontario.

What browser should I use when using the Registry?

We recommend using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Apple Safari when accessing the Registry. If you are experiencing an issue with the Registry, try clearing your cache or updating the browser to the latest version.

If you are using a different browser, the Registry will not function.