Topic: Producer

If a producer meets its collection and management requirements early, can it stop collecting and processing materials?

No. Producers and PROs working on their behalf must operate the collection systems they have established as required by the Regulation even after their requirements are met. If a consumer is refused permission to drop off materials at a registered collection site, they can contact the Compliance and Registry Team at, 647-496-0530 or toll-free at 1-833-600-0530.

I’m a producer. How do I set up my tire collection and tire management network?

The Tires Regulation requires producers to submit to the Registry the identity of each tire collector and tire collection site that is a part of that producer’s tire collection system. It is up to each producer, or a producer responsibility organization (PRO) on the producer’s behalf, to identify the tire collection sites that will be used in their tire collection systems.

Tire collectors are required to register and identify their collection sites (i.e., the address for every individual site where tires are collected). The collection site data will be used to populate a list of collection sites that will be available to producers and PROs. Producers, or their PROs, will be required to identify their tire collection systems.

Please read Compliance Bulletin -Tire Collection Systems for compliance guidance to producers who are required to establish and operate tire collection systems under the Tires Regulation.

I am a retailer. What does the Tires Regulation mean for me?

As a retailer, you may also be a producer and/or a collector, based on the definitions in the Tires Regulation.

Businesses will continue to have discretion over whether they charge a fee to recover the cost of recycling their products. If a business chooses to charge a fee, they are no longer required to provide information about who is charging the visible fee and what it will be used for.

How are my tire collection and resource recovery requirements determined?

Tire Collection Requirements
The minimum tire collection requirements are calculated based on a rolling average of three years of tire supply data multiplied by 0.85 to account for tire wear. Section 4(2) of the Tires Regulation describes the formula used.

Tire Resource Recovery Requirements
Producers must ensure that 85% of the tires they collected in a year, by weight, were reused, retreaded or turned into processed materials and made into products and packaging as described in section 11 of the Tires Regulation.

Any producer who collects tires in a calendar year, despite being exempt from the collection requirements under section 4(7) of the Tires Regulation, is required to manage those tires (through reuse, retreading or processing) in accordance with section 11(6) of the Tires Regulation.

Do I need to provide a verification report with my annual supply information?

You may be required to provide a verification report for the annual tire supply report. You will be required to provide verification if you meet the definition of a medium or large producer. Small producers will not be required to submit a verification report, however a percentage of small producers selected annually by the Registrar will be subject to an inspection. If exceptions are identified during the inspection, a comprehensive review may be carried out. For more information on this, read Tires Registry Procedure – Audit.

What are the Authority’s program fees?

Program fees are charges that producers obligated under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016, are required to pay to RPRA annually to recover its operational costs, including costs related to building and operating the registry, providing services to registrants, and compliance and enforcement activities.

All current and past fee schedules can be found here.

As a producer, do I need a PRO to meet my collection and management requirements?

No, producers are not required to sign up with a PRO to meet their regulatory requirements. It is a business decision if a producer chooses to work with a PRO, and a producer can choose to meet their obligations without a PRO.

Most producers will choose to contract with a PRO to provide collection, hauling, processing, retreading and/or refurbishing services to achieve their collection and management requirements unless they carry out these activities themselves.


Are there costs associated with PROs?

Yes. PROs are private enterprises and charge for their services to producers.

Each commercial contract a producer enters with a PRO will have its own set of terms and conditions. It is up to the PRO and producer to determine the terms of their contractual agreement, including fees and payment schedule.

RPRA does not set the terms of the contractual arrangements between PROs and producers.

Which address should I use as my business address?

You should use the address where you carry on business. If you carry on business in more than one location in Ontario, use the main address for your business in Ontario. If you do not have an Ontario address, use the address that relates to the activities you carry out in Ontario.

What browser should I use when using the Registry?

We recommend using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Apple Safari when accessing the Registry. If you are experiencing an issue with the Registry, try clearing your cache or updating the browser to the latest version.

If you are using a different browser, the Registry will not function.

What payment methods are available in the Registry?

When paying fees to RPRA,  you can select from one of the following payment methods:

  • Bank withdrawal (pre-authorized debit)
  • Credit card
  • Electronic data interchange (EDI; also commonly known as ACH or EFT)
  • Electronic bill payment
  • Cheque

For instructions on how to submit payment by the method you chose, read one of the following FAQs:

To note, Registry invoices are considered due on receipt. Invoices are in CAD funds and payments must be sent in CAD.

Am I a tire producer?

You are a tire producer if you supply new tires to consumers in Ontario and you have a permanent establishment in Canada. New tires are supplied to Ontario in two ways – sold on new vehicles or sold as loose tires. The definition for tires producers (as outlined in section 3 of the Tires Regulation) applies in both cases.

New loose tires that are marketed to consumers in Ontario

  • For new tires where there is a brand holder resident in Canada: you are the producer for those new tires if you are the brand holder of the new tires (the legislation defines brand holder to mean a person who owns or licenses a brand or who otherwise has rights to market a product under the brand) and resident in Canada.
  • For new tires where there is no brand holder resident in Canada: you are the producer for the new tires if you are the importer of those new tires and resident in Ontario.
  • For new tires where there is no brand holder or importer resident in Ontario: you are the producer for the new tires if you are the first person to market those tires in Ontario and resident in Ontario.
  • For new tires where there is no brand holder, importer or marketer resident in Ontario: you are the producer for the new tires if you are the person that marketed those new tires and non-resident in Ontario.

New vehicles with new tires that are marketed to consumers in Ontario

  • For new vehicles where there is a brand holder resident in Canada: you are the producer for the new tires on those new vehicles if you are the manufacturer of the vehicles (the legislation defines vehicle to include motor vehicles, muscular-powered equipment and trailers) and resident in Canada.
  • For new vehicles where there is no manufacturer resident in Canada: you are the producer for the new tires on those new vehicles if you are the importer of those new vehicles and resident in Ontario.
  • For new vehicles where there is no manufacturer or importer resident in Ontario: you are the producer for the new tires on those new vehicles if you are the marketer of those new vehicles in Ontario and resident in Ontario.
  • For new vehicles where there is no manufacturer, importer or marketer resident in Ontario: you are the producer for the new tires on those new vehicles if you are the marketer of those new vehicles and non-resident in Ontario.