Topic: Refurbisher

What are the potential consequences of late reporting?

Failure of an obligated party to meet a registration or reporting deadline may result in compliance action, including compliance orders, prosecutions or monetary penalties issued in accordance with the Administrative Penalties Guidelines.

In accordance with the Risk Based Compliance Framework, RPRA will communicate to obligated parties, via email, about their reporting requirements in advance of submission deadlines. RPRA will also send deadline reminders and notify missed deadlines to obligated parties prior to taking further compliance action.

For more guidance, read the new Late Registration or Report Submissions Compliance Bulletin.

Am I an ITT/AV service provider?

  • An ITT/AV hauler is a person that arranges the transport of ITT/AV used in Ontario that are destined for processing, reuse, refurbishing or disposal.
  • An ITT/AV refurbisher is a person that prepares or refurbishes ITT/AV used in Ontario for the purpose of reuse.
  • An ITT/AV processor is a person that processes ITT/AV used in Ontario for the purpose of resource recovery.

Am I a lighting service provider?

  • lighting hauler is a person that arranges the transport of lighting used in Ontario that are destined for processing, reuse, refurbishing or disposal.
  • lighting refurbisher is a person that prepares or refurbishes lighting used in Ontario for the purpose of reuse.
  • lighting processor is a person that processes lighting used in Ontario for the purpose of resource recovery.