Frequently Asked Questions
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Program: Batteries , Blue Box , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Producer
No, where a producer is exempt, the regulatory obligations do not become the responsibility of the organization that is next in the producer hierarchy. The exempt producer remains the “producer” for those materials; they are just exempt from certain requirements under the regulation as set out in the relevant provisions providing for the exemption. This is the case in all RRCEA regulations.
Program: ITT/AVTopic: Producer , Registration
An ITT/AV producer qualifies for an exemption if its management requirement for a performance period is not more than 3.5 tonnes with respect to ITT/AV or not more than 350 kg with respect to lighting. The producer is exempt from the following:
- Registering and reporting to the Authority;
- Establishing a collection and management system and meeting a management requirement; and
- Promotion and education requirements.
The management requirement percentage increases each year in 2023, 2024, and 2025, therefore while you may be exempt in 2021 and 2022, you might not be exempt in subsequent years. Therefore, a producer must verify that they continue to meet the exemption each year.
If a producer is exempt and therefore not required to register with the Authority, they must retain records related to the weight of ITT/AV supplied into Ontario each year and provide them to the Authority upon request.
Producers are encouraged to confirm their exemption with the Compliance Team at 833-600-0530 or
Program: Batteries , Blue Box , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , LightingTopic: PRO , Producer , Registry
The Manage PRO option will appear on the dashboard below your list of supply data reports when your supply data reporting is complete and if you have management requirements. If your supply data reporting is below the supply exemption threshold you will not have management requirements, and therefore not need to assign a PRO to assist with your obligations.
Also note that Account Admin are the only portal users that can manage your PRO’s responsibility, so this widget is not viewable to primary and secondary users.