Frequently Asked Questions
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Program: Blue Box , Hazardous and Special ProductsTopic: Hauler , Processor , Producer , Registration , Reporting
RPRA considers an aerosol container to be a non-refillable receptacle that contains a product and a propellant under pressure, and that is fitted with a release device allowing the contents to be ejected as solid or liquid particles in suspension in a gas, or as a foam, paste, powder, liquid, or gas.
Program: Blue BoxTopic: Processor , Registration
No. If your business does not conduct resource recovery activities as its primary purpose, there is no requirement to register as a processor with the Authority.
Program: Blue BoxTopic: Processor , Registration
Processors need to provide the following information when registering with the Authority:
- Business information (e.g., business name, contact information)
- Processing site location, contact information and Blue Box materials received and processed at each location
- Any producers or PROs the processor has contracted with
Visit our Blue Box Processors webpage for more information.
Program: Batteries , Blue Box , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Collector , Hauler , PRO , Processor , Registration , Retreader , RPRA Program and Registry Fees
No, only producers are required to pay RPRA program fees. The decision to make producers pay fees and cover the Authority’s costs was made to reflect the fact that the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 (RRCEA) is based on a producer responsibility framework. Although producers may hire service providers to help meet their obligations, the responsibility remains with the producer.
Program: Batteries , Blue Box , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Producer , Registration
Account Admins must add any new, or manage existing, Primary Contacts under the program they wish to give them access to in order for the Primary Contact to be able to submit a report (e.g., permissions to view and complete reports).
To Manage contacts on your Registry account, please see the following steps:
- Log into your account
- Once you are logged in, click on the drop-down arrow in the top right corner and select Manage Users
- Under Actions, click Manage to update preferences of existing users
- Click Add New User to add an additional contact to your account
- To give reporting access to a Primary Contact, select the program from the drop-down that you would like to grant them access to
Program: Blue BoxTopic: Collection systems , Management activities , PRO , Producer , Registration
Yes, a producer can change PROs at any time. Producers must notify RPRA of any change in PROs within 30 days of the change.
Program: Blue BoxTopic: General , Management activities , Producer , Registration , Reporting
RPRA’s Registry fees cover the costs related to compliance and enforcement and other activities required to administer the regulations under the RRCEA, and building and operating the Registry.
The Registry fees cover expenses in a given year (e.g., 2021 fees cover 2021 expenses). 2021 fees for Blue Box cover the Authority’s costs to undertake activities to implement the regulation in 2021, which include:
- helping obligated parties understand their requirements
- ensuring producers register and report their supply data by the deadline in the regulation
- compliance, enforcement, and communication activities
Program: Blue BoxTopic: Producer , Registration
Producers are required to provide the following information when registering with RPRA:
- Contact information
- PRO information (if a PRO has been retained at time of reporting), including what services they have retained a PRO for
- Their 2020 supply data in each of the seven material categories– beverage container, glass material, flexible plastic, metal material, paper material, and certified compostable products and packaging material – as well as any deductions.
Please note that this information must be submitted to RPRA directly.
See our FAQ to understand “What deductions are available to producers under the Blue Box Regulation?”
Program: Blue BoxTopic: Producer , Registration
Producers are required to register with RPRA by October 1, 2021, as outlined in the Blue Box Regulation.
After this date, new businesses are required to register within 30 days of becoming a producer.
Program: Blue BoxTopic: First Nation communities , Registration
First Nation communities interested in receiving producer-run Blue Box services must register with the Authority. To register, communities must submit contact information of the person responsible for waste management in the community using the First Nation community registration form. Once completed, the registration form should be submitted by email to
Visit our First Nation webpage for more information.