Hazardous and Special Products Producers

RPRA is currently developing guidance related to revisions of the producer hierarchy for antifreeze and oil filters and the requirements for refillable pressurized containers. RPRA will share more updates and guidance ahead of the supply and performance reporting deadline of July 31, 2025.

A person is considered a producer under the HSP Regulation if they marketed oil filters, oil containers, antifreeze, solvents, paints and coatings, pesticides, pressurized containers (non-refillable and refillable) or refillable propane containers and:

  • Are the brand holder and have residency in Canada.
  • If no resident brand holder, the importer of the product and have residency in Ontario.
  • If no resident importer, the person marketing directly to consumers in Ontario and have residency in Ontario.
  • If no marketer resident in Ontario, the person marketing directly to consumers and have no residency in Ontario (e.g., e-retailers).

A person is considered a producer under the HSP Regulation if they marketed mercury-containing barometers, thermometers or thermostats and:

  • Are the brand holder and have residency in Canada.
  • If no resident brand holder, the brand holder of barometers, thermometers or thermostats marketed to consumers in Ontario that do not contain mercury.

A person is considered a producer under the HSP Regulation if they marketed fertilizers and:

  • Are the brand holder and have residency in Canada.

Even if you do not meet the above definitions, there may be circumstances where you qualify as a producer. Read the HSP Regulation for more detail or contact the Compliance Team at registry@rpra.ca or 1-833-600-0530 for support.


What are my obligations under the HSP Regulation?

Click the headings below to learn more about your obligations as a producer for each material. Materials that have the same requirements are grouped together, with differences identified below.

Oil filters and non-refillable pressurized containers are under category A in the HSP Regulation and have the following definitions:

  • Oil filters produced and/or arriving in Ontario, and which are for sale, directly or as part of a product.
  • Non-refillable pressurized containers that are used for the supply of a gas product, including propane, but cannot be refilled.


Under the HSP Regulation, producers of oil filters and non-refillable pressurized containers are required to register with RPRA.

Register here

Have questions about registration? View the following resources:

Collection systems

Producers are required to establish and operate a collection system where consumers can drop off used HSP materials to be recycled or processed. The system must be established in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Collection Systems Compliance Bulletin. Read the compliance bulletin for detailed guidance on collection systems.

Producers have the choice of working with one or more producer responsibility organizations (PROs) registered with RPRA to meet their obligations. Learn more about PROs here.

Management of material collected

Producers, or PROs on their behalf, must ensure that all material picked up from a collection site, regardless of whether it is part of the producer’s collection system, is processed within three months of the pickup date.

Each year, every obligated producer shall manage a minimum amount of oil filters and non-refillable pressurized containers based on their average weight of supply from the previous three calendar years and a percentage outlined in the HSP Regulation. The following chart shows how to calculate management requirements:

Type of HSPManagement requirement calculation
Oil filtersAverage weight of supply from previous three calendar years x 85% = management requirement
Non-refillable pressurized containersAverage weight of supply from previous three calendar years x 25% = management requirement

Promotion and education

Producers, or PROs acting on their behalf, are required to establish and operate a promotion and education program including the following:

  • Promote their collection and management services with respect to the type of HSP they are obligated for.
  • Provide the following information on a website with respect to that type of HSP:
    • The location of each HSP collection site established or operated by the producer that is accessible to the public and the types of HSP accepted at each site.
    • The location and date of each HSP collection event held by the producer and the types of HSP accepted at each event.
    • A description of the collection services provided by the producer, other than HSP collection sites and HSP collection events.
    • A description of how the producer manages that type of HSP after it is collected.
  • Create promotional and educational materials with respect to that type of HSP that include the following:
    • The website URL.
    • A description of how that type of HSP is collected and managed.
  • The producer shall make the promotional and educational materials available to retailers that supply that type of HSP, municipal governments and Indigenous communities, and shall solicit and consider feedback on how the promotional and educational materials can be improved.
  • The producer shall promote each HSP collection event for that type of HSP in the local municipality or territorial district where it will be held for at least one week prior to the date of the event using a combination of two or more forms of media, including but not limited to:
    • Local print publications.
    • Local print media.
    • Local radio.
    • Local signage or social media.


For step-by-step instructions on how to complete reporting, visit our registry resources webpage and review the reporting guides.

Supply data report

Producers are required to submit an annual report that provides the total weight of HSP they supplied to consumers in Ontario in the previous calendar year. Producers must also provide a brand supply list that makes up their supply data.

Producers must submit supply data in accordance with Appendix B of the Hazardous and Special Products Verification and Audit Procedure.

Supply data verification report

Starting in 2024 and every year after, verification of supply data is only required for large producers, as defined in Appendix B of the Hazardous and Special Products Verification and Audit Procedure. Small producers will no longer be required to submit a verification report but will be subject to inspections. Read this FAQ to confirm whether you are a large or small producer for supply data verification reporting.

Performance report

Producers, or PROs on their behalf, are required to submit an annual report with the following information from the previous calendar year:

  • A description of the activities undertaken by the producer to comply with the promotion and education requirements.
  • The name and contact information of each processor.
  • The weight of the material(s) supplied to consumers in Ontario.
  • The weight of recovered resources.
  • The weight of recovered resources accounted for to meet the producer’s management requirements.
  • The weight of materials processed from that type of HSP that were:
    • Land disposed,
    • Incinerated,
    • Used as a fuel or a fuel supplement, or
    • Stored, stockpiled, used as daily landfill cover or otherwise deposited on land.

Performance audit report

In addition to submitting a performance report, producers are required to submit an audit report that shows how they met their performance obligations.

RPRA will not require a performance audit report in 2024 due to the ongoing development of the Resource Recovery Performance Audit Procedure. Producers reporting on their own activities, or PROs on their behalf, are still required to submit a performance report. Learn more here.

Management system report

Producers, or PROs on their behalf, are required to establish and operate a collection and management system and report every hauler, processor or disposal facility that is part of their management system.

Collection activity report

Producers, or PROs on their behalf, were required to update their collection activities by July 31, 2024. As of August 1, collection activities must be regularly updated in the Registry. For more information and step-by-step instructions on how to report your collection activities, read our guide.

Record keeping

Producers are required to keep records for every HSP material for a period of five years from the date of the record being created.

Producers must keep records that relate to the following:

  • Arranging for the establishment or operation of a collection or management system.
  • Establishing or operating a collection or management system.
  • Information required to be submitted to RPRA through the Registry.
  • Implementing a promotion and education program.
  • Weight of each type of HSP within each applicable category of HSP supplied to consumers in Ontario, regardless of whether information about the weight was required to be submitted to RPRA.
  • Any agreements that relate to the above records.

Oil containers, antifreeze, pesticides, refillable pressurized containers, solvents, paints and coatings are under category B in the HSP Regulation and have the following definitions:

  • Oil containers that have a capacity of 30 litres or less and that was manufactured and used for the purpose of containing lubricating oil.
  • Antifreeze that contains ethylene or propylene glycol used or intended for use as a vehicle engine coolant.
  • Pesticides, fungicides, herbicides or insecticides that are registered under the Pest Control Products Act.
  • Refillable pressurized containers that are used for the supply of a gas and can be refilled.
  • Solvents that are used to dissolve or thin a compatible substance, comprised of 10% or more of water-immiscible liquid hydrocarbons, including halogen-substituted liquid hydrocarbons.
  • Paints and coatings that contain latex, oil or solvent-based architectural coatings whether tinted or untinted, non-pesticide marine paints, paints for automotive craft and industrial applications.

Under the following material categories, the product’s primary packaging is also obligated:

  • Antifreeze
  • Paints and coatings
  • Pesticides
  • Solvents

Note: Primary packaging made of corrugated and boxboard boxes, plastic film, shrink wrap or printed materials is not obligated under the HSP Regulation, please see the Blue Box Regulation for more information and possible obligations.

  • Oil containers, solvents, paints and coatings, fertilizers and pesticides are only obligated when supplied in a container that has a capacity of 30 litres or 30 kilograms or less.
  • All antifreeze supplied – regardless of container size – must be reported. However, the antifreeze container is only obligated when supplied in a container that has a capacity of 30 litres or 30 kilograms or less.


Under the HSP Regulation, producers of oil containers, antifreeze, pesticides, refillable pressurized containers, solvents, paints and coatings are required to register with RPRA.

Register here

Have questions about registration? View the following resources:

Note: At this time, obligated producers of factory fill antifreeze are not required to include the weight of factory fill antifreeze when they report the total weight of obligated antifreeze they supplied in Ontario. The deadline for reporting factory fill antifreeze supply will be communicated at a later date.

Collection systems

Producers are required to establish and operate a collection system where consumers can drop off used HSP materials to be recycled or processed. The collection system must be established in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Collection Systems Compliance Bulletin. Read the compliance bulletin for detailed guidance on collection systems.

Producers have the choice of working with one or more producer responsibility organizations (PROs) registered with RPRA to meet their obligations. Learn more about PROs here.

Management of material collected

Producers, or PROs on their behalf, are required to establish and operate a system for managing HSP, and meet the following requirements:

  • All oil containers, antifreeze, refillable pressurized containers, solvents, paints and coatings picked up from a collection site must be processed within three months from the date of pickup. Producers must ensure that materials are processed by an HSP processor registered with RPRA.
  • All pesticides must be disposed of within three months from the pickup date. Producers must ensure that materials are disposed of by an HSP disposal facility registered with RPRA.

Promotion and education

Producers, or PROs acting on their behalf, are required to establish and operate a promotion and education program including the following:

  • Promote their collection and management services with respect to the type of HSP they are obligated for.
  • Provide the following information on a website with respect to that type of HSP:
    • The location of each HSP collection site established or operated by the producer that is accessible to the public and the types of HSP accepted at each site.
    • The location and date of each HSP collection event held by the producer and the types of HSP accepted at each event.
    • A description of the collection services provided by the producer, other than HSP collection sites and HSP collection events.
    • A description of how the producer manages that type of HSP after it is collected.
  • Create promotional and educational materials with respect to that type of HSP that include the following:
    • The address of the website.
    • A description of how that type of HSP is collected and managed.
  • The producer shall make the promotional and educational materials available to retailers that supply that type of HSP, municipal governments and Indigenous communities, and shall solicit and consider feedback on how the promotional and educational materials can be improved.
  • The producer shall promote each HSP collection event for that type of HSP in the local municipality or territorial district where it will be held for at least one week prior to the date of the event using a combination of two or more forms of media, including but not limited to:
    • Local print publications.
    • Local print media.
    • Local radio.
    • Local signage or social media.

Note: there are no promotion and education requirements for refillable pressurized containers.



For step-by-step instructions on how to complete reporting, visit our registry resources webpage and review the reporting guides.

Supply data report

Producers are required to submit an annual report that provides the total weight of HSP they supplied to consumers in Ontario in the previous calendar year. Producers must also provide a brand supply list that makes up their supply data.

Producers must submit supply data in accordance with Appendix B of the Hazardous and Special Products Verification and Audit Procedure.

Supply data verification report

Starting in 2024 and every year after, verification of supply data is only required for large producers, as defined in Appendix B of the Hazardous and Special Products Verification and Audit Procedure. Small producers will no longer be required to submit a verification report but will be subject to inspections. Read this FAQ to confirm whether you are a large or small producer for supply data verification reporting.

Performance report

Producers, or PROs on their behalf, are required to submit an annual report with the following information from the previous calendar year:

  • A description of the activities undertaken by the producer to comply with the promotion and education requirements.
  • The name and contact information of each processor.
  • The weight of the material(s) supplied to consumers in Ontario.
  • The weight of recovered resources.
  • The weight of materials processed from that type of HSP that were:
    • Land disposed,
    • Incinerated,
    • Used as a fuel or a fuel supplement, or
    • Stored, stockpiled, used as daily landfill cover or otherwise deposited on land.

Performance audit report

In addition to submitting a performance report, producers are required to submit an audit report that shows how they met their performance obligations.

RPRA will not require a performance audit report in 2024 due to the ongoing development of the Resource Recovery Performance Audit Procedure. Producers reporting on their own activities, or PROs on their behalf, are still required to submit a performance report. Learn more here.

Management system report

Producers, or PROs on their behalf, are required to establish and operate a collection and management system and report every hauler, processor or disposal facility that is part of their management system.

Collection activity report

Producers, or PROs on their behalf, were required to update their collection activities by July 31, 2024. As of August 1, collection activities must be regularly updated in the Registry. For more information and step-by-step instructions on how to report your collection activities, read our guide.

Record keeping

Producers are required to keep records for every HSP material for a period of five years from the date of the record being created.

Producers must keep records that relate to the following:

  • Arranging for the establishment or operation of a collection or management system.
  • Establishing or operating a collection or management system.
  • Information required to be submitted to RPRA through the Registry.
  • Implementing a promotion and education program.
  • Weight of each type of HSP within each applicable category of HSP supplied to consumers in Ontario, regardless of whether information about the weight was required to be submitted to RPRA.
  • Any agreements that relate to the above records.

Barometers, thermometers and thermostats are under category C in the HSP Regulation and have the following definitions:

  • Barometers that contain mercury, are intended for residential use and may contain electronic components.
  • Thermometers that contain mercury, are intended for residential use to measure body or air temperature and may contain electronic component.
  • Thermostats that contain mercury, and may contain electronic components.


Under the HSP Regulation, producers of mercury-containing barometers, thermometers and thermostats are required to register with RPRA.

Register here

Have questions about registration? View the following resources:

Collection systems

Producers must provide a call-in service number for communities to call to request a pickup if requested by the following representatives:

  • A council of the band.
  • A municipality not located in the Far North.
  • A territorial district that is not located in the Far North.
  • A depot owned or operated by the Crown not in the Far North.

Producers shall make reasonable efforts to collect the HSP within one year of being notified by a representative of a council of the band located on a reserve in the Far North.

Producers have the choice of working with one or more producer responsibility organizations (PROs) registered with RPRA to meet their obligations. Learn more about PROs here.

Management of material collected

Mercury-containing barometers, thermometers and thermostats must be processed within three months from the date of pickup. Producers must ensure that materials are processed by an HSP processor registered with RPRA.

Promotion and education

Producers, or PROs acting on their behalf, are required to establish and operate a promotion and education program including the following:

  • Promote their collection and management services with respect to the type of HSP they are obligated for.
  • Provide the following information on a website with respect to that type of HSP:
    • The presence of mercury in that type of HSP.
    • How to distinguish that type of HSP from similar products that do not contain mercury.
    • The hazards to human health and the environment related to mercury.
    • How consumers can properly dispose of that type of HSP.
    • A description of the collection services provided by the producer under the regulation for that type of HSP.
    • A description of how the producer manages that type of HSP after it is collected under the regulation.
  • Create promotional and educational materials with respect to that type of HSP that include the following:
    • The address of the website.
    • A description of how that type of HSP is collected and managed.
  • The producer shall make the promotional and educational materials available to retailers that supply that type of HSP or similar products that do not contain mercury, municipal governments and Indigenous communities, and shall solicit and consider feedback from those retailers, municipal governments and Indigenous communities on how the promotional and educational materials can be improved.


For step-by-step instructions on how to complete reporting, visit our registry resources webpage and review the reporting guides.

Supply data report

Producers are not required to submit supply data to RPRA. However, starting in 2022, producers must report annually if their revenue in Ontario is above or below $2 million and provide a brand supply list that makes up their supply data.

Performance report

Producers, or PROs on their behalf, are required to submit an annual report with the following information from the previous calendar year:

  • A description of the activities undertaken by the producer to comply with the promotion and education requirements.
  • The name and contact information of each processor.
  • The weight of recovered resources.
  • The weight of materials processed from that type of HSP that were:
    • Land disposed,
    • Incinerated,
    • Used as a fuel or a fuel supplement, or
    • Stored, stockpiled, used as daily landfill cover or otherwise deposited on land.
  • The weight of mercury recovered from that type of HSP.

Performance audit report

In addition to submitting a performance report, producers are required to submit an audit report that shows how they met their performance obligations.

RPRA will not require a performance audit report in 2024 due to the ongoing development of the Resource Recovery Performance Audit Procedure. Producers reporting on their own activities, or PROs on their behalf, are still required to submit a performance report. Learn more here.

Collection activity report

Producers, or PROs on their behalf, were required to update their collection activities by July 31, 2024. As of August 1, collection activities must be regularly updated in the Registry. For more information and step-by-step instructions on how to report your collection activities, read our guide.

Record keeping

Producers are required to keep records for every HSP material for a period of five years from the date of the record being created.

Producers must keep records that relate to the following:

  • Arranging for the establishment or operation of a collection or management system.
  • Establishing or operating a collection or management system.
  • Information required to be submitted to RPRA through the Registry.
  • Implementing a promotion and education program.
  • Weight of each type of HSP within each applicable category of HSP supplied to consumers in Ontario, regardless of whether information about the weight was required to be submitted to RPRA.
  • Any agreements that relate to the above records.

Fertilizers are under category D in the HSP Regulation and have the following definition:

  • Any substance or mixture of substances containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium or other plant food, manufactured, sold or represented for use as a plant nutrient and regulated under the Fertilizers Act (Canada).


Under the HSP Regulation, producers of fertilizers are required to register with RPRA.

Register here

Have questions about registration? View the following resources:

Promotion and education

Producers, or PROs acting on their behalf, are required to establish and operate a promotion and education program including the following:

  • Provide information on a website about how consumers can use, share and properly dispose of fertilizer.
  • Create promotional and education materials that include:
    • The website URL.
    • A description of how consumers can use, share and properly dispose of fertilizer.
  • Solicit, consider feedback from, and make the promotional and education materials available to:
    • Indigenous communities.
    • Municipal governments.
    • Retailers that supply fertilizers.
  • Provide information to municipalities on innovative end-use options for fertilizers as an alternative to disposal.


For step-by-step instructions on how to complete reporting, visit our registry resources webpage and review the reporting guides.

Supply data report

Producers of fertilizers are not required to submit supply data to RPRA. However, starting in 2022, producers must report annually if their revenue in Ontario is above or below $2 million and provide a brand supply list that makes up their supply data.

Performance report

Producers, or PROs on their behalf, are required to submit an annual report to RPRA that includes a description of the activities the producer achieved from the previous calendar year in order to meet their promotion and education requirements.

Record keeping

Producers are required to keep records in a paper or electronic format that can be examined or accessed in Ontario for a period of five years from the date of the record being created.

Producers must keep records that relate to the following:

  • Information required to be submitted to RPRA through the Registry.
  • Implementing a promotion and education program.
  • Weight of fertilizers supplied to consumers in Ontario, regardless of whether information about the weight was required to be submitted to RPRA.
  • Any agreements that relate to the above records.

Refillable propane containers are under category E in the HSP Regulation and have the following definition:

  • A pressurized container that can be refilled, has a water capacity of 109 litres or less and is used only for propane.


Under the HSP Regulation, producers of refillable propane containers are required to register with RPRA.

Register here

Have questions about registration? View the following resources:

Collection systems

Producers must establish and operate a call-in service number for the following representatives to request a pickup:

  • A council of the band.
  • A municipality that is not located in the Far North.
  • A reserve in the Far North.
  • A territorial district that is not located in the Far North.
  • A depot where refillable propane containers are collected, that is owned or operated by the Crown in right of Ontario and that is not located in the Far North.

Management of material collected

Refillable propane containers must be processed within three months from the date of pickup. Producers must ensure that materials are processed by an HSP processor registered with RPRA.


For step-by-step instructions on how to complete reporting, visit our registry resources webpage and review the reporting guides.

Supply data report

Producers are not required to submit supply data to RPRA. However, starting in 2022, producers must report annually if their revenue in Ontario is above or below $2 million and provide a brand supply list that makes up their supply data.

Collection activity report

Producers, or PROs on their behalf, were required to update their collection activities by July 31, 2024. As of August 1, collection activities must be regularly updated in the Registry. For more information and step-by-step instructions on how to report your collection activities, read our guide.

Record keeping

Producers are required to keep records in a paper or electronic format that can be examined or accessed in Ontario for a period of five years from the date of the record being created.

Producers must keep records that relate to the following:

  • Arranging for the establishment or operation of a collection or management system.
  • Establishing or operating a collection or management system.
  • Information required to be submitted to RPRA through the Registry.
  • Implementing a promotion and education program.
  • Weight of refillable propane containers supplied to consumers in Ontario, regardless of whether information about the weight was required to be submitted to RPRA.
  • Any agreements that relate to the above records.

Working with PROs

Producers have the choice of working with one or more producer responsibility organizations (PROs) registered with RPRA to meet their obligations.

A PRO is a business established to contract with producers to provide collection, management and administrative services to help producers meet their regulatory obligations under the HSP Regulation, including:

  • Arranging, establishing or operating a collection or management system.
  • Arranging, establishing or operating a promotion and education system.
  • Preparing and submitting reports.

PROs operate in a competitive market and producers can choose the PRO(s) they want to work with. The terms and conditions of each contract with a PRO may vary.

To view a list of PROs, visit our HSP PRO page.


Upcoming important dates

Obligated material(s)RequirementDeadline
Oil filters and non-refillable pressurized containers, oil containers, antifreeze, pesticides, refillable pressurized containers, solvents, paints and coatingsRegister with RPRAA producer must register on or before July 31 of the first calendar year in which the producer exceeds the threshold outlined here
Mercury-containing barometers, thermometers and thermostats, fertilizers and refillable propane containersRegister with RPRAA producer must register within 30 days of meeting the definition of a producer. Learn more here.
Supply reporting (producers to report)
AllSubmit list of brands supplied in Ontario in the previous calendar yearJuly 31, 2024
Oil filters, non-refillable pressurized containers, oil containers, antifreeze, pesticides, refillable pressurized containers, solvents and paints and coatingsSmall* producers to submit the total weight of materials supplied in Ontario from the previous calendar year

Large* producers to submit the total weight of materials supplied in Ontario from previous calendar year and a supply data verification report
July, 31, 2024
Mercury-containing barometers, thermometers and thermostats, fertilizers and refillable propane containersConfirm if revenue in Ontario was above or below $2 million in the previous calendar yearJuly 31, 2024
Performance reporting** (producers or a PRO on their behalf)
All (except fertilizers and refillable propane containers)Submit annual performance report which reports on collection and management activities based on data from the previous calendar yearJuly 31, 2024
All (except refillable propane containers)Submit promotion and education report based on activities from the previous calendar year July 31, 2024
Unless otherwise stated, all information must be submitted through RPRA’s Registry.

*View this FAQ to determine if you are a small or large producer and if you are required to submit a supply data verification report.
**RPRA will not require a performance audit report in 2024 due to the ongoing development of the Resource Recovery Performance Audit Procedure. PROs reporting on their own activities are still required to submit a performance report. Learn more here.


We are here to help you understand your requirements

To learn more about the HSP Regulation or to view past webinars and presentations, visit our Learning Series webpage on Understanding Ontario’s New Hazardous and Special Products Regulation.

If you have questions relating to the HSP Regulation, contact our Compliance Team at registry@rpra.ca or 1-833-600-0530 for support.