Frequently Asked Questions
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Program: Batteries , Blue Box , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Producer , Registration
Account Admins must add any new, or manage existing, Primary Contacts under the program they wish to give them access to in order for the Primary Contact to be able to submit a report (e.g., permissions to view and complete reports).
To Manage contacts on your Registry account, please see the following steps:
- Log into your account
- Once you are logged in, click on the drop-down arrow in the top right corner and select Manage Users
- Under Actions, click Manage to update preferences of existing users
- Click Add New User to add an additional contact to your account
- To give reporting access to a Primary Contact, select the program from the drop-down that you would like to grant them access to
Program: Batteries , Blue Box , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: General , PRO , Registration
RPRA does not vet PROs before listing them on the website. Any business that registers as a PRO will be listed. Producers should do their own due diligence when determining which PRO to work with.
Program: TiresTopic: Collector , Hauler , Processor , Registration , RetreaderWhat information do I need to register as a Collector, Hauler, Retreader or Processor?
If your business performs multiple roles (e.g., Hauler and Processor), you only need to create one account and identify those roles. If you are a Producer, use your Producer account to add roles.
1. You will need the following information to create a Registry account:
- CRA Business Number (BN)
- Legal Business Name
- Ontario Tire Stewardship Number (if applicable)
- Business address and phone number
- Address of where you work (if different from the main office)
- Contact information for your additional users
2. You will need to provide the address and phone number for each site where you collect, retread and/or process tires.
3. You will need to identify which of the following tire categories are applicable to your business:
- Passenger/light truck
- Medium truck
- Off-road (except large)
- Large (>700 kg)
4. If you are a Processor, you will also need to identify which of the following materials are applicable to your process:
- Crumb rubber
- Tire derived mulch
- Tire derived aggregate
- Tire derived rubber strips and chunks
- Fluff/fibre
- Tire derived steel/metal
- Other
Program: Batteries , Blue Box , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Collector , Hauler , Processor , Producer , Registration
For regulatory purposes, we need to know your legal name — the name you are incorporated under. We also need to know your business operating name if it is different from your legal business name to add to our published list of registrants. The list of registrants will be available on our website to allow registrants to interact with one another and to provide information to the public.
For example, if you are a registered collector and your legal name is 123456789 Ontario Ltd. and your business operating name is “Jack’s Garage,” a member of the public looking for a place to drop off used tires will need to know the name you are operating under to identify your location.
Program: Batteries , Blue Box , Hazardous and Special Products , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Producer , Registration
To create a Registry account with the Authority, you will need to provide:
- CRA Business Number (BN)
- Legal Business Name
- Business address and phone number
- Address of where you work (if different from the main office)
- Contact information for your billing contact (this may also be added later)
Program: TiresTopic: Collector , Hauler , Processor , Producer , Registration , Retreader
You will have to meet the registration requirements for every category that applies to you.
Program: Batteries , ITT/AV , Lighting , TiresTopic: Producer , Registration
Resident in Ontario means a person having a permanent establishment in Ontario within the meaning of the Corporations Tax Act. A permanent establishment is usually a fixed place of business such as an office, factory, branch, warehouse, workshop, etc. In some cases, a corporation will be deemed to operate a permanent establishment in Ontario. These include cases where:
- The corporation produced, grew, mined, created, manufactured, fabricated, improved, packed, preserved or constructed anything in the province, in whole or in part;
- The corporation carries on business through an employee or agent in the province who has general authority to contract for the corporation; or
- The corporation carries on business through an employee or agent in the province who has a stock of merchandise owned by the corporation from which they regularly fill orders that they receive.
- A corporation will also have a permanent establishment in Ontario if it uses substantial machinery or equipment in the province, or if it is has a permanent establishment elsewhere in Canada and owns land in the province.
For more details about what constitutes a permanent establishment, see the definition of “permanent establishment” in the Corporations Tax Act.
Program: TiresTopic: Municipalities , Registration
No. Municipalities that collect used tires are exempt from the requirement to register with RPRA as a collector or submit reports. Furthermore, there is no requirement for a municipality to establish a tire collection site. Note that a municipality that arranges for the hauling of tires is required to register as a hauler.
Read the FAQ: ‘How does the Tires Regulation affect municipalities?’ for more information.
Program: TiresTopic: Collection systems , First Nation communities , Municipalities , Registration
No. If a municipality has a private company operating a site on their behalf, the company is not required to register the municipally-owned sites as long as the tires are picked up by a registered hauler and delivered to a registered processor or retreader.
If the private company owns or operates collection sites that are not owned by a municipality, it is required to register and report its non-municipally-owned sites.
To ensure tires continue to be picked up from your sites, you will need to make sure those sites are included in the collection systems established by tire producers or producer responsibility organizations (PROs). Since most producers will work with PROs to establish their collection systems, municipalities should contact a registered PRO.
Visit our webpage about PROs for more information.
Program: TiresTopic: Collector , Registration
If you collect used tires at your site as a result of onsite servicing of your vehicles, you are not a tire collector for the purposes of the Tires Regulation and you are exempt from registering as a collector with RPRA.