Registry Resources for HSP

This page has resources designed to help registrants with meeting their regulatory requirements under the Hazardous and Special Products (HSP) Regulation.

Click the following headings to jump to the resource you are looking for.

Registry documents      How-to videos      FAQs      Presentations

Registry Documents

The following registry documents are available:

  • Registry procedures: documents that registrants are required to adhere in order to be in compliance.
  • Compliance bulletins: documents that provide information on specific regulatory requirements and how registrants can meet them.
  • Reporting guides: step-by-step instructions on how to register and submit reports in the Registry.

Click the headings below to access the associated registry documents.

How-to videos

These videos provide step-by-step direction on completing tasks in the Registry.

Click the heading below to view the list of available videos.

Frequently asked questions

Review answers to questions commonly asked by registrants and other stakeholders.

Click here to review all HSP FAQs.


View recorded webinars and PowerPoint presentations that provide an overview of the HSP Regulation and answer questions from registrants.