A person or business is considered a tire hauler, retreader or processor under the Tires Regulation if they perform any of the following activities:
Tire hauler – Arranges for the transport of tires used in Ontario to a site for processing, reuse, retreading or disposal.
Tire retreader – Replaces the tread on worn tires so that they can continue to be used as tires.
Tire processor – Processes tires for resource recovery or disposal. Processing means you are transforming tires into their constituent parts, including by shredding, chipping, grinding, cutting or cryogenic crushing. You are also a tire processor if you engage in activities to chemically alter tires, such as depolymerization.
Tire producers can only meet their targets with tires hauled, retreaded and processed by parties registered with the Authority. Most producers will work with a producer responsibility organization (PRO) to meet these requirements. A PRO is the program operator that contracts with tire producers, collectors, haulers, retreaders and processors to establish and operate a tire collection or management system. Learn more about PROs.
Click below to learn more about your obligations as a hauler, retreader or processor.
Every tire hauler, tire processor and tire retreader must register with the Authority within 30 days of having transported, processed or retreaded tires.
Every tire collector, other than a municipality, the Crown in right of Ontario or a reserve, shall register with the Authority through the Registry by submitting the information set out under subsection (4) within 30 days of collecting, for the first time, 1,000 kilograms or more of calculated weight in a calendar year.
Haulers are required to complete an annual performance report to provide information about their tire recovery and management activities in the previous calendar year.
Haulers will need to log into their Registry account once a year and report the following information:
1. Used tires picked up
Number and calculated weight of total tires picked up
Number and calculated weight of tires picked up from outside Ontario
2. Used tires dropped off
Calculated weight of tires delivered to a processor
Number and calculated weight of tires delivered to a retreader
3. Used tires sent for reuse
Number and calculated weight of tires sent to be reused on a vehicle
Number and calculated weight of tires sent for reuse for a new purpose (such as dock bumpers, agricultural bunkers, flowerpots and planters)
There are two tire categories for reporting purposes:
tires greater than 700 kg (large tires)
tires equal to or less than 700 kg
The Authority has developed a weight conversion procedure to determine the calculated weight of tires. Common calculated used tire weights include:
Passenger and light truck tire = 10.6 kg
Medium truck tire = 42.5 kg
To meet your reporting deadlines and report accurately, you should ensure you have a system in place to track this information.
Deadline: Tire performance reporting is due May 31 of each year.
Retreaders are required to complete an annual performance report to provide information about their tire recovery and management activities in the previous calendar year.
Retreaders will need to log into their Registry account once a year and report the following information:
Number and calculated weight of tires retreaded
Number and calculated weight of tires sent to a processor
Actual weight of shavings, strips, buffings and trimmings sent to a processor or for disposal
Number and calculated weight of tires sent to be reused on a vehicle
Number and calculated weight of tires sent for reuse for a new purpose (such as dock bumpers, agricultural bunkers or flowerpots and planters)
Number and actual weight of tires disposed, by disposal type (such as land disposal, incineration, used as fuel or fuel supplement or stockpiled)
Actual weight of tires received from haulers, by hauler
There are two tire categories for reporting purposes:
tires greater than 700 kg (large tires)
tires equal to or less than 700 kg
The Authority has developed a weight conversion procedure to determine the calculated weight of tires. Common calculated used tire weights include:
Passenger and light truck tire = 10.6 kg
Medium truck tire = 42.5 kg
To meet your reporting deadlines and report accurately, you should ensure you have a system in place to track this information.
Deadline: Tire performance reporting is due May 31 of each year.
Processors are required to complete an annual performance report to provide information about their tire recovery and management activities in the previous calendar year.
Processors will need to log into their Registry account once a year and report the following information:
Actual weight of tires received from haulers, by hauler
Number and calculated weight of tires sent to be reused on a vehicle
Number and calculated weight of tires sent for reuse for a new purpose (such as dock bumpers, agricultural bunkers or flowerpots and planters)
Number and actual weight of tires disposed, by disposal type (such as land disposal, incineration, used as fuel or fuel supplement or stockpiled)
Actual weight of processed materials, by material type*
Actual weight of processed materials that were disposed, by material type*
List of products made by you as a processor and weight of processed materials used, by material type*
List of products made by another person and weight of processed materials sent to that person, by material type*
*Examples of material types include crumb rubber, tire-derived aggregate, tire-derived metal (no rims) or fluff and fibre
There are two tire categories for reporting purposes:
tires greater than 700 kg (large tires)
tires equal to or less than 700 kg
The Authority has developed a weight conversion procedure to determine the calculated weight of tires. Common calculated used tire weights include:
Passenger and light truck tire = 10.6 kg
Medium truck tire = 42.5 kg
To meet your reporting deadlines and report accurately, you should ensure you have a system in place to track this information.
Deadline: Tire performance reporting is due May 31 of each year.